Files @ ef420b2d4300
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Location: symposion_app/Dockerfile

ef420b2d4300 365 B text/x-dockerfile-config Show Annotation Show as Raw Download as Raw
Joel Addison
Embedded schedule view

Allow the schedule to be embedded in external platforms.
Hide header and footer when embedded for easier consumption.
FROM symposion_app

COPY static/src/fonts/*.ttf /usr/local/share/fonts/
RUN fc-cache && fc-list

FROM symposion_base as symposion_dev
VOLUME /app/symposion_app
CMD ["./", "runserver", "-v3", ""]

FROM symposion_base as symposion_prod
CMD ["/usr/local/bin/uwsgi", "--http-socket", "", "-b", "8192", "--wsgi-file", "pinaxcon/"]