Files @ e86a811f3863
Branch filter:

Location: symposion_app/pinaxcon/templatetags/

Sachi King
Bootstrapification: SiteTree Nav Bar

Make sitetree a bootstrap navbar.

Remove mobile menu, bootstrap provides this.
import hashlib

from decimal import Decimal
from django import template
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.staticfiles.templatetags import staticfiles
from easy_thumbnails.files import get_thumbnailer
from symposion.conference import models as conference_models
from symposion.schedule.models import Track


register = template.Library()

def classname(ob):
    return ob.__class__.__name__

def can_manage(context, proposal):
    return proposal_permission(context, "manage", proposal)

def can_review(context, proposal):
    return proposal_permission(context, "review", proposal)

def proposal_permission(context, permname, proposal):
    slug = proposal.kind.section.slug
    perm = "reviews.can_%s_%s" % (permname, slug)
    return context.request.user.has_perm(perm)

# {% load statictags %}{% static 'pyconau2017/images/svgs/illustrations/' %}{{ illustration }}

def illustration(name):
    return staticfiles.static('pyconau2017/images/svgs/illustrations/') + name

def speaker_photo(context, speaker, size):
    ''' Provides the speaker profile, or else fall back to libravatar or gravatar. '''

        thumbnailer = get_thumbnailer(
        thumbnail_options = {'crop': True, 'size': (size, size)}
        thumbnail = thumbnailer.get_thumbnail(thumbnail_options)
        return thumbnail.url
        email ="utf-8")
        md5sum = hashlib.md5(email.strip().lower()).hexdigest()
        fallback_image = (""
        url = "" % (md5sum, size, fallback_image)

        return url

def define(value):
    return value

def presentation_bg_number(presentation, count):
    return sum(ord(i) for i in presentation.title) % count

def gst(amount):
    two_places = Decimal(10) ** -2
    return Decimal(amount / 11).quantize(two_places)

def conference_name():
    return conference_models.Conference.objects.get(id=CONFERENCE_ID).title

def trackname(room, day):
        track_name = room.track_set.get(day=day).name
    except Track.DoesNotExist:
        track_name = None
    return track_name