Files @ e726ff21a8ff
Branch filter:

Location: symposion_app/vendor/symposion/schedule/

James Polley
Create regidesk app

Shows summary of all attendees with a paid ticket, including
boarding_pass status.

Currently, regidesk allows staff with the requisite permission the
ability to view the checkin status of attendees, and email the user
their boarding pass email.

Included is a view for the user to retrieve their own QR code (in case
they got the plain-text version of the email, they can use this to
download an image to their phone for faster checkin)
This file contains functions that are useful to humans at the shell for
manipulating the database in more natural ways.
from django.db import transaction

from .models import Schedule, Day, Room, Slot, SlotKind, SlotRoom

def create_slot(section_slug, date, kind, start, end, rooms):
    schedule = Schedule.objects.get(section__slug=section_slug)
    slot = Slot() = Day.objects.get(schedule=schedule, date=date)
    slot.kind = SlotKind.objects.get(schedule=schedule, label=kind)
    slot.start = start
    slot.end = end
    if rooms == "all":
        rooms_qs = Room.objects.filter(schedule=schedule).order_by("order")
        rooms_qs = Room.objects.filter(schedule=schedule, name__in=rooms).order_by("order")
        if rooms_qs.count() != len(rooms):
            raise Exception("input rooms do not match queried rooms; typo?")
    for room in rooms_qs:
        slot_room = SlotRoom()
        slot_room.slot = slot = room
    print("created {} [start={}; end={}]".format(slot.kind.label, slot.start, slot.end))