Files @ e6c623a69ca9
Branch filter:

Location: symposion_app/static/

Christopher Neugebauer
Refactors all speaker-facing forms and editing pages to use the new theme (#27)

* Themes speaker_edit.html

* speaker_create now uses takeflight theme

* proposal_submit_kind now uses takeflight theme

* fixes bug in form_snippet

* Optimises proposals_submit_kind

* proposal_submit now uses wagtail theme

* Proposal_edit now uses new theme

* More forms

* Proposal details page now loads from take flight theme

* proposal_fields now looks nicer under the take flight theme

* proposal_speaker_manage rethemed
# Static Media

We are using `gulp` and `npm` for our static build process.

Do NOT edit anything in the `dist/` directory.

Local development uses media from `dist/` and we are firm believers in building
static assets and committing them to the repo before deployments. This way we
always are testing and exercise exactly what will be served in production. It
also makes our deployment simpler.