Files @ d4b0b52253ae
Branch filter:

Location: symposion_app/pinaxcon/templates/registrasion/emails/invoice_created/message.html

Joel Addison
Registrasion updates

Show applied vouchers on attendee registration admin page.
Add head title and page title to more areas.
Update the dashboard to show warning for empty categories and have
button to open voucher page.
Fix exception on attendee page when user does not have attendee object.
{% load i18n %}

{% if invoice.is_unpaid %}
  <strong>NOTICE:</strong> The below invoice is automatically generated, and
  will be voided if you amend your selections before payment, or if discounts
  or products contained in the invoice become unavailable. The products and
  discounts are only reserved until the invoice due time, please pay before then
  to guarantee your selection. Late payments are accepted only if the products
  and discounts are still available.

<p>Please ensure this invoice is paid by the due date.</p>

{% endif %}

{% url "invoice" invoice.user.attendee.access_code as access_url %}
<p>This invoice is available at <a href="http://{{ current_site }}{{ access_url }}">http://{{ current_site }}{{ access_url }}</a>
  {% if invoice.is_unpaid %}
    --  You can give this URL to your accounts department to pay for your selections.
  {% endif %}

<hr />

{% include "registrasion/_invoice_details.html" %}