Files @ d106efb6ce20
Branch filter:

Location: symposion_app/vendor/registrasion/reporting/

Sachi King
Fix static content serving

What? Why did this stop working?
import csv

from django.contrib.auth.decorators import user_passes_test
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.http import HttpResponse
from functools import wraps

from registrasion import views

''' A list of report views objects that can be used to load a list of
reports. '''
_all_report_views = []

class Report(object):

    def __init__(self):

    def title():
        raise NotImplementedError

    def headings():
        ''' Returns the headings for the report. '''
        raise NotImplementedError

    def rows(content_type):

            content_type (str): The content-type for the output format of this

            An iterator, which yields each row of the data. Each row should
            be an iterable containing the cells, rendered appropriately for
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _linked_text(self, content_type, address, text):

            an HTML linked version of text, if the content_type for this report
            is HTMLish, otherwise, the text.

        if content_type == "text/html":
            return Report._html_link(address, text)
            return text

    def _html_link(address, text):
        return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (address, text)

class _ReportTemplateWrapper(object):
    ''' Used internally to pass `Report` objects to templates. They effectively
    are used to specify the content_type for a report. '''

    def __init__(self, content_type, report):
        self.content_type = content_type = report

    def title(self):

    def headings(self):

    def rows(self):

class BasicReport(Report):

    def __init__(self, title, headings, link_view=None):
        super(BasicReport, self).__init__()
        self._title = title
        self._headings = headings
        self._link_view = link_view

    def title(self):
        ''' Returns the title for this report. '''
        return self._title

    def headings(self):
        ''' Returns the headings for the table. '''
        return self._headings

    def cell_text(self, content_type, index, text):
        if index > 0 or not self._link_view:
            return text
            address = self.get_link(text)
            return self._linked_text(content_type, address, text)

    def get_link(self, argument):
        return reverse(self._link_view, args=[argument])

class ListReport(BasicReport):

    def __init__(self, title, headings, data, link_view=None):
        super(ListReport, self).__init__(title, headings, link_view=link_view)
        self._data = data

    def rows(self, content_type):
        ''' Returns the data rows for the table. '''

        for row in self._data:
            yield [
                self.cell_text(content_type, i, cell)
                for i, cell in enumerate(row)

class QuerysetReport(BasicReport):

    def __init__(self, title, attributes, queryset, headings=None,
        super(QuerysetReport, self).__init__(
            title, headings, link_view=link_view
        self._attributes = attributes
        self._queryset = queryset

    def headings(self):
        if self._headings is not None:
            return self._headings

        return [
            " ".join(i.split("_")).capitalize() for i in self._attributes

    def rows(self, content_type):

        def rgetattr(item, attr):
            for i in attr.split("__"):
                item = getattr(item, i)

            if callable(item):
                    return item()
                except TypeError:

            return item

        for row in self._queryset:
            yield [
                self.cell_text(content_type, i, rgetattr(row, attribute))
                for i, attribute in enumerate(self._attributes)

class Links(Report):

    def __init__(self, title, links):
            links ([tuple, ...]): a list of 2-tuples:
                (url, link_text)

        self._title = title
        self._links = links

    def title(self):
        return self._title

    def headings(self):
        return []

    def rows(self, content_type):
        for url, link_text in self._links:
            yield [
                self._linked_text(content_type, url, link_text)

def report_view(title, form_type=None):
    ''' Decorator that converts a report view function into something that
    displays a Report.

        title (str):
            The title of the report.
        form_type (Optional[forms.Form]):
            A form class that can make this report display things. If not
            supplied, no form will be displayed.


    # Create & return view
    def _report(view):
        report_view = ReportView(view, title, form_type)
        report_view = user_passes_test(views._staff_only)(report_view)
        report_view = wraps(view)(report_view)

        # Add this report to the list of reports.

        return report_view

    return _report

class ReportView(object):
    ''' View objects that can render report data into HTML or CSV. '''

    def __init__(self, inner_view, title, form_type):

            inner_view: Callable that returns either a Report or a sequence of
                Report objects.

            title: The title that appears at the top of all of the reports.

            form_type: A Form class that can be used to query the report.


        # Consolidate form_type so it has content type and section
        self.inner_view = inner_view
        self.title = title
        self.form_type = form_type

    def __call__(self, request, *a, **k):
        data = ReportViewRequestData(self, request, *a, **k)
        return self.render(data)

    def get_form(self, request):

        ''' Creates an instance of self.form_type using request.GET '''

        # Create a form instance
        if self.form_type is not None:
            form = self.form_type(request.GET)

            # Pre-validate it
            form = None

        return form

    def wrap_reports(cls, reports, content_type):
        ''' Wraps the reports in a _ReportTemplateWrapper for the given
        content_type -- this allows data to be returned as HTML links, for
        instance. '''

        reports = [
            _ReportTemplateWrapper(content_type, report)
            for report in reports

        return reports

    def render(self, data):
        ''' Renders the reports based on data.content_type's value.

            data (ReportViewRequestData): The report data. data.content_type
                is used to determine how the reports are rendered.

            HTTPResponse: The rendered version of the report.

        renderers = {
            "text/csv": self._render_as_csv,
            "text/html": self._render_as_html,
            None: self._render_as_html,
        render = renderers[data.content_type]
        return render(data)

    def _render_as_html(self, data):
        ctx = {
            "title": self.title,
            "form": data.form,
            "reports": data.reports,

        return render(data.request, "registrasion/report.html", ctx)

    def _render_as_csv(self, data):
        report = data.reports[data.section]

        # Create the HttpResponse object with the appropriate CSV header.
        response = HttpResponse(content_type='text/csv')

        writer = csv.writer(response)
        for row in report.rows():

        return response

class ReportViewRequestData(object):

        form (Form): form based on request
        reports ([Report, ...]): The reports rendered from the request

        report_view (ReportView): The ReportView to call back to.
        request (HTTPRequest): A django HTTP request


    def __init__(self, report_view, request, *a, **k):

        self.report_view = report_view
        self.request = request

        # Calculate other data
        self.form = report_view.get_form(request)

        # Content type and section come from request.GET
        self.content_type = request.GET.get("content_type")
        self.section = request.GET.get("section")
        self.section = int(self.section) if self.section else None

        if self.content_type is None:
            self.content_type = "text/html"

        # Reports come from calling the inner view
        reports = report_view.inner_view(request, self.form, *a, **k)

        # Normalise to a list
        if isinstance(reports, Report):
            reports = [reports]

        # Wrap them in appropriate format
        reports = ReportView.wrap_reports(reports, self.content_type)

        self.reports = reports

def get_all_reports():
    ''' Returns all the views that have been registered with @report '''

    return list(_all_report_views)