Files @ ac57053ecf58
Branch filter:

Location: symposion_app/vendor/registrasion/registrasion/templatetags/

Joel Addison
Ignore withdrawn proposals for random choice
from registrasion.models import commerce
from registrasion.controllers.category import CategoryController
from registrasion.controllers.item import ItemController

from django import template
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Sum
    from urllib import urlencode
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import urlencode

from operator import attrgetter

register = template.Library()

def user_for_context(context):
    ''' Returns either context.user or context.request.user if the former is
    not defined. '''
        return context["user"]
    except KeyError:
        return context.request.user

def available_categories(context):
    ''' Gets all of the currently available products.

        [models.inventory.Category, ...]: A list of all of the categories that
            have Products that the current user can reserve.

    return CategoryController.available_categories(user_for_context(context))

def missing_categories(context):
    ''' Adds the categories that the user does not currently have. '''
    user = user_for_context(context)
    categories_available = set(CategoryController.available_categories(user))
    items = ItemController(user).items_pending_or_purchased()

    categories_held = set()

    for product, quantity in items:

    missing = categories_available - categories_held

    return sorted(set(i for i in missing), key=attrgetter("order"))

def available_credit(context):
    ''' Calculates the sum of unclaimed credit from this user's credit notes.

        Decimal: the sum of the values of unclaimed credit notes for the
            current user.


    notes = commerce.CreditNote.unclaimed().filter(
    ret = notes.values("amount").aggregate(Sum("amount"))["amount__sum"] or 0
    return 0 - ret

def invoices(context):

        [models.commerce.Invoice, ...]: All of the current user's invoices. '''
    return commerce.Invoice.objects.filter(user=user_for_context(context))

def items_pending(context):
    ''' Gets all of the items that the user from this context has reserved.

    The user will be either `context.user`, and `context.request.user` if
    the former is not defined.

    return ItemController(user_for_context(context)).items_pending()

def items_purchased(context, category=None):
    ''' Returns the items purchased for this user.

    The user will be either `context.user`, and `context.request.user` if
    the former is not defined.

    return ItemController(user_for_context(context)).items_purchased(

def total_items_purchased(context, category=None):
    ''' Returns the number of items purchased for this user (sum of quantities).

    The user will be either `context.user`, and `context.request.user` if
    the former is not defined.

    return sum(i.quantity for i in items_purchased(context, category))

def report_as_csv(context, section):

    old_query = context.request.META["QUERY_STRING"]
    query = dict([("section", section), ("content_type", "text/csv")])
    querystring = urlencode(query)

    if old_query:
        querystring = old_query + "&" + querystring

    return context.request.path + "?" + querystring

def sold_out_and_unregistered(context):
    ''' If the current user is unregistered, returns True if there are no
    products in the TICKET_PRODUCT_CATEGORY that are available to that user.

    If there *are* products available, the return False.

    If the current user *is* registered, then return None (it's not a
    pertinent question for people who already have a ticket).


    user = user_for_context(context)
    if hasattr(user, "attendee") and user.attendee.completed_registration:
        # This user has completed registration, and so we don't need to answer
        # whether they have sold out yet.

        # TODO: what if a user has got to the review phase?
        # currently that user will hit the review page, click "Check out and
        # pay", and that will fail. Probably good enough for now.

        return None

    ticket_category = settings.TICKET_PRODUCT_CATEGORY
    categories = available_categories(context)

    return ticket_category not in [ for cat in categories]

class IncludeNode(template.Node):
    ''' '''

    def __init__(self, template_name):
        # template_name as passed in includes quotmarks?
        # strip them from the start and end
        self.template_name = template_name[1:-1]

    def render(self, context):
            # Loading the template and rendering it
            return template.loader.render_to_string(
                self.template_name, context=context,
        except template.TemplateDoesNotExist:
            return ""

def include_if_exists(parser, token):
    """Usage: {% include_if_exists "head.html" %}

    This will fail silently if the template doesn't exist. If it does, it will
    be rendered with the current context.

        tag_name, template_name = token.split_contents()
    except ValueError:
        raise (template.TemplateSyntaxError,
            "%r tag requires a single argument" % token.contents.split()[0])

    return IncludeNode(template_name)