Files @ 8afa17b1c172
Branch filter:

Location: symposion_app/symposion/templates/schedule/_grid.html

Steve Holden
Update symposion/templates/sponsorship/_sponsor_link.html

Improved reference format and used pk rather than id
- thanks to trbs for the suggestion
<table class="calendar table table-bordered">
            <th class="time">&nbsp;</th>
            {% for room in timetable.rooms %}
                <th>{{ }}</th>
            {% endfor %}
        {% for row in timetable %}
                <td class="time">{{ row.time|date:"h:iA" }}</td>
                {% for slot in row.slots %}
                    <td class="slot slot-{{ slot.kind.label }}" colspan="{{ slot.colspan }}" rowspan="{{ slot.rowspan }}">
                        {% if slot.kind.label == "talk" or slot.kind.label == "tutorial" %}
                            {% if not slot.content %}
                            {% else %}
                                <span class="title">
                                    <a href="{% url schedule_presentation_detail %}">{{ slot.content.title }}</a>
                                <span class="speaker">
                                    {{ slot.content.speakers|join:", " }}
                            {% endif %}
                        {% else %}
                            {% if slot.content_override.raw %}
                                {{ slot.content_override.rendered|safe }}
                            {% else %}
                                {{ slot.kind.label }}
                            {% endif %}
                        {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}
                {% if forloop.last %}
                    <td colspan="{{ timetable.rooms|length }}"></td>
                {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}