Files @ 6d864e8ce56b
Branch filter:

Location: symposion_app/pinaxcon/

Sachi King
Cleanout conf-specific proposals.

We don't have these mini-confs (yet).
We don't want these files.
We're not going to rename the release in 0010 and drop all the extra
tables in 0011, we're going to toss them on the cutting room floor and
call it good.

They're in git, we can look at this commit and past ones on how to
recreate these for new proposal additions going forward.
from functools import wraps

class MonkeyPatchMiddleware(object):
    ''' Ensures that our monkey patching only gets called after it is safe to do so.'''

    def process_request(self, request):

def do_monkey_patch():

    # Remove this function from existence
    global do_monkey_patch
    do_monkey_patch = lambda: None  # noqa: E731

def patch_speaker_profile_form():
    ''' Replaces textarea widgets with markdown editors. '''

    import widgets
    from symposion.speakers.forms import SpeakerForm

    fields = SpeakerForm.base_fields
    fields["biography"].widget = widgets.AceMarkdownEditor()
    fields["experience"].widget = widgets.AceMarkdownEditor()
    fields["accessibility"].widget = widgets.AceMarkdownEditor()

def patch_stripe_payment_form():  # noqa: C901

    import inspect  # Oh no.
    from django.http.request import HttpRequest
    from registripe.forms import CreditCardForm
    from pinaxcon.registrasion import models

    old_init = CreditCardForm.__init__

    def new_init(self, *a, **k):

        # Map the names from our attendee profile model
        # To the values expected in the Stripe card model
        mappings = (
            ("address_line_1", "address_line1"),
            ("address_line_2", "address_line2"),
            ("address_suburb", "address_city"),
            ("address_postcode", "address_zip"),
            ("state", "address_state"),
            ("country", "address_country"),

        initial = "initial"
        if initial not in k:
            k[initial] = {}
        initial = k[initial]

        # Find request context maybe?
        frame = inspect.currentframe()
        attendee_profile = None
        if frame:
            context = frame.f_back.f_locals
            for name, value in (context.items() or {}):
                if not isinstance(value, HttpRequest):
                user = value.user
                if not user.is_authenticated():
                    attendee_profile = models.AttendeeProfile.objects.get(
                except models.AttendeeProfile.DoesNotExist:
                    # Profile is still none.

        if attendee_profile:
            for us, stripe in mappings:
                i = getattr(attendee_profile, us, None)
                if i:
                    initial[stripe] = i

        old_init(self, *a, **k)

    CreditCardForm.__init__ = new_init