Files @ 539fa2dfdd2b
Branch filter:

Location: symposion_app/vendor/registrasion/registrasion/controllers/

Joel Addison
Finalise registration

Add shirt types and sizes. Improve messaging about discounts.
Restyle ticket wizard and product category screens. Enable page titles
and messages. Update dashboard to hide raffle.
Enable inventory population for dev container.
from registrasion.models import commerce
from registrasion.models import inventory

from django.db.models import Case
from django.db.models import F, Q
from django.db.models import Sum
from django.db.models import When
from django.db.models import Value

from .batch import BatchController

from operator import attrgetter

class AllProducts(object):

class CategoryController(object):

    def __init__(self, category):
        self.category = category

    def available_categories(cls, user, products=AllProducts):
        ''' Returns the categories available to the user. Specify `products` if
        you want to restrict to just the categories that hold the specified
        products, otherwise it'll do all. '''

        # STOPGAP -- this needs to be elsewhere tbqh
        from .product import ProductController

        if products is AllProducts:
            products = inventory.Product.objects.all().select_related(

        available = ProductController.available_products(

        return sorted(set(i.category for i in available), key=attrgetter("order"))

    def user_remainders(cls, user):

            Mapping[int->int]: A dictionary that maps the category ID to the
            user's remainder for that category.


        categories = inventory.Category.objects.all()

        cart_filter = (
            Q(product__productitem__cart__user=user) &

        quantity = When(

        quantity_or_zero = Case(

        remainder = Case(
            When(limit_per_user=None, then=Value(99999999)),
            default=F('limit_per_user') - Sum(quantity_or_zero),

        categories = categories.annotate(remainder=remainder)

        return dict((, cat.remainder) for cat in categories)