Files @ 539fa2dfdd2b
Branch filter:

Location: symposion_app/pinaxcon/templates/registrasion/product_category.html

Joel Addison
Finalise registration

Add shirt types and sizes. Improve messaging about discounts.
Restyle ticket wizard and product category screens. Enable page titles
and messages. Update dashboard to hide raffle.
Enable inventory population for dev container.
{% extends "registrasion/base.html" %}
{% load registrasion_tags %}
{% load lca2018_tags %}

{% block page_title %}Product Category: {{ }}{% endblock %}

{% block scripts_extra %}
  {{ }}
  {{ }}
{% endblock %}

{% block proposals_body %}

  <form class="form-horizontal my-4" method="post" action="">
    {% csrf_token %}

    {% items_purchased category as items %}
    {% if items %}
      <h3>Paid items</h3>
      <p>You have already paid for the following items:</p>
      {% include "registrasion/_items_list.html" with items=items %}
    {% endif %}

    <h2>{{ }}</h2>
    <blockquote>{{ category.description|safe }}</blockquote>

      {% if discounts %}
        {% include "registrasion/discount_list.html" with discounts=discounts %}
      {% endif %}

      <h3>Make a selection</h3>
      {% include "_form_snippet.html" with form=form %}

      <br />
      <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="Add to cart" />
      <a href="{% url "dashboard" %}" class="btn btn-link">Return to dashboard</a>

{% endblock %}