Files @ 4021aa3c8ebc
Branch filter:

Location: symposion_app/registrasion/templatetags/

Christopher Neugebauer
Resolves #12 — each item category shows what items you have already purchased in each category
from registrasion import models as rego
from registrasion.controllers.category import CategoryController

from collections import namedtuple
from django import template
from django.db.models import Sum

register = template.Library()

ProductAndQuantity = namedtuple("ProductAndQuantity", ["product", "quantity"])

def available_categories(context):
    ''' Returns all of the available product categories '''
    return CategoryController.available_categories(context.request.user)

def invoices(context):
    ''' Returns all of the invoices that this user has. '''
    return rego.Invoice.objects.filter(cart__user=context.request.user)

def items_pending(context):
    ''' Returns all of the items that this user has in their current cart,
    and is awaiting payment. '''

    all_items = rego.ProductItem.objects.filter(
    return all_items

def items_purchased(context, category=None):
    ''' Returns all of the items that this user has purchased, optionally
    from the given category. '''

    all_items = rego.ProductItem.objects.filter(

    if category:
        all_items = all_items.filter(product__category=category)

    products = set(item.product for item in all_items)
    out = []
    for product in products:
        pp = all_items.filter(product=product)
        quantity = pp.aggregate(Sum("quantity"))["quantity__sum"]
        out.append(ProductAndQuantity(product, quantity))
    return out

def multiply(value, arg):
    ''' Multiplies value by arg '''
    return value * arg