Files @ 1759a07630a8
Branch filter:

Location: symposion_app/pinaxcon/

Nick Seidenman (N6)
A few mods to be able to use the runserver site for debugging. We'll back these out once the real
(via apache) site is up and running.
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives
from functools import wraps

class MonkeyPatchMiddleware(object):
    ''' Ensures that our monkey patching only gets called after it is safe to do so.'''

    def process_request(self, request):

def do_monkey_patch():

    # Remove this function from existence
    global do_monkey_patch
    do_monkey_patch = lambda: None

def patch_speaker_profile_form():
    ''' Replaces textarea widgets with markdown editors. '''

    import widgets
    from symposion.speakers.forms import SpeakerForm

    fields = SpeakerForm.base_fields
    fields["biography"].widget = widgets.AceMarkdownEditor()
    fields["experience"].widget = widgets.AceMarkdownEditor()
    fields["accessibility"].widget = widgets.AceMarkdownEditor()

def patch_mail_to_send_bcc():
    ''' Patches django.core.mail's message classes to send a BCC e-mail to
    the default BCC e-mail address. '''

    from django.core.mail import message

    ARG = "bcc"

    if hasattr(settings, "ENVELOPE_BCC_LIST"):
        bcc_email = settings.ENVELOPE_BCC_LIST
        return  # We don't need to do this patch.

    def bcc_arg_position(f):
        ''' Returns the position of 'bcc' in the argument list to f, or None if
        there is no such argument. '''
        co = f.__code__
        # The first co_argcount members of co_varnames are argument variables
        for i, argname in enumerate(co.co_varnames[:co.co_argcount]):
            if argname == ARG:
                return i
            return None

    def bcc_is_provided_positionally(f, a):
        ''' Returns true if 'bcc' is provided as a positional argument to f,
        when it is called with the argument list `a`. '''

        return bcc_arg_position(f) < len(a)

    def patch_bcc_positional(f, a):
        ''' Returns a copy of `a`, but with the bcc argument patched to include
        our BCC list. '''

        pos = bcc_arg_position(f)
        bcc = a[pos]

        if bcc is not None:
            bcc = list(bcc)
            bcc = []

        bcc += bcc_email

        return tuple(a[:pos] + (bcc,) + a[pos + 1:])

    def patch_bcc_keyword(f, k):
        ''' Adds our BCC list to the BCC list in the keyword arguments, and
        returns the new version of the keyword arguments.

            f (callable): The function that we're patching. It should have an
                argument called bcc.
            k (dict): A dictionary of kwargs to be provided to EmailMessage.
            It will be modified to add the BCC list specified in
            settings.ENVELOPE_BCC_LIST, if provided.

        if ARG in k:
            bcc = list(k[ARG])
            del k[ARG]
            bcc = []
        bcc += list(bcc_email)
        k[ARG] = bcc

        return k

    to_wrap = message.EmailMessage.__init__

    def email_message__init__(*a, **k):

        if bcc_is_provided_positionally(to_wrap, a):
            a = patch_bcc_positional(to_wrap, a)
            k = patch_bcc_keyword(to_wrap, k)

        return to_wrap(*a, **k)

    message.EmailMessage.__init__ = email_message__init__

    # Do not need to wrap EmailMultiAlternatives because it is a subclass of
    # EmailMessage.

def fix_sitetree_check_access_500s():
    ''' django-sitetree has a bug:
    -- it swallows the cause of all 500 errors. This swallows KeyErrors from
    the failing function. '''

    from sitetree.sitetreeapp import SiteTree

    old_check_access = SiteTree.check_access

    def check_access(self, *a, **k):
            return old_check_access(self, *a, **k)
        except KeyError:
            return False

    SiteTree.check_access = check_access

def never_cache_login_page():
    from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache
    from account.views import LoginView
    LoginView.get = never_cache(LoginView.get)

def patch_stripe_payment_form():

    import inspect  # Oh no.
    from django.http.request import HttpRequest
    from registripe.forms import CreditCardForm
    from pinaxcon.registrasion import models

    old_init = CreditCardForm.__init__

    def new_init(self, *a, **k):

        # Map the names from our attendee profile model
        # To the values expected in the Stripe card model
        mappings = (
            ("address_line_1", "address_line1"),
            ("address_line_2", "address_line2"),
            ("address_suburb", "address_city"),
            ("address_postcode", "address_zip"),
            ("state", "address_state"),
            ("country", "address_country"),

        initial = "initial"
        if initial not in k:
            k[initial] = {}
        initial = k[initial]

        # Find request context maybe?
        frame = inspect.currentframe()
        attendee_profile = None
        if frame:
            context = frame.f_back.f_locals
            for name, value in (context.items() or {}):
                if not isinstance(value, HttpRequest):
                user = value.user
                if not user.is_authenticated():
                    attendee_profile = models.AttendeeProfile.objects.get(
                except models.AttendeeProfile.DoesNotExist:
                    # Profile is still none.

        if attendee_profile:
            for us, stripe in mappings:
                i = getattr(attendee_profile, us, None)
                if i:
                    initial[stripe] = i

        old_init(self, *a, **k)

    CreditCardForm.__init__ = new_init