Changeset - 676ecf976cff
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 6 years ago 2018-08-08 00:32:25
Visa Fees: reimbursement is permitted.

Historically, we have always allowed visa fees, as described herein, for
reimbursement. Technically speaking, they were prohibited because of this
text early in the policy:
"only those categories of expenses listed in this document qualify."

I've left that text in place and added visa fees explicitly.
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@@ -559,6 +559,19 @@ reimbursement.  Other internet access fees (e.g., airport internet
services, personal wi-fi hotspots, internet cafes) are not reimbursable
except as incidental expenses to be covered by a Traveler's per diem.

### Visa Fees

Conservancy will reimburse fees charged by an embassy (or any government
agency) that are mandatory for receiving a visa (or other permission) to
enter the final destination country of travel, provided proper documentation
of cost (such as a receipt, or a copy of the visa along with government
published rates).

Conservancy may reimburse other ancillary costs, such as use of a travel
expert agency for obtaining a visa, or additional domestic travel costs
necessary to obtain a visa, but all such other costs require prior approval
from Conservancy.

## Non-reimbursable Expenses

Non-reimbursable expenses are identified throughout this policy.  The
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