Changeset - 436bbc1507dd
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Tony Sebro (keynote2k) - 11 years ago 2012-10-17 19:00:15
Added an Internet Access subsection to the Other Reimbursable Expenses section.
1 file changed with 8 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -79,8 +79,6 @@ Travelers should adhere to the following guidelines to stay In-Policy.
  Refer to the Expense Report 
          section below for details.  



== Project Leadership Committee Review

Conservancy foresees the need for periodic reasonable exceptions to
@@ -326,6 +324,14 @@ Charges for personal phone calls (e.g., made from a hotel, or via
a mobile phone in international travel) are not reimbursable as an
expense separate from the allocated per diem. 

== Internet Access

Internet access/wi-fi fees charged by a hotel are reimbursable, provided
that they are listed on the hotel/lodging invoice submitted for 
reimbursement.  Other internet access fees (e.g., airport internet 
services, personal wi-fi hotspots, internet cafes) are not reimbursable 
except as incidental expenses to be covered by a Traveler's per-diem.  

== Additional Days of Travel

Travelers often seek to add extra days before or after an approved trip
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