Files @ 6531b0e781d4
Branch filter:

Location: copyleftconf-website-fork/pinaxcon/templates/registrasion/review.html

Brett Smith
proposals.forms: Link to one consistent Markdown cheat sheet.

I like this one best because it's most brief, visual, and clearly under a
free license (CC BY-SA 4.0).
{% extends "registrasion/review_.html" %}
{% comment %}
  Blocks that you can override:
  - selected_items_intro
  - purchased_items_intro
  - add_to_selection_intro
  - missing_categories_intro
  - non_missing_categories_intro
  - what_next_intro
{% endcomment %}

{% block selected_items_intro %}
  You've selected the following items, which will be on your statement when you check out:
{% endblock %}