Files @ a352e6b9e08e
Branch filter:

Location: conservancy-bigbluebutton/

Kalithea does not support fancy_lists
# Requirements

1.  Ansible 2.8+, available in Debian buster-backports or newer.
2.  Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit server

# Setup

1.  Fill in `bbb_letsencrypt_email` in `bigbluebutton.yml`
2.  On the machine with Ansible, run
    `ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml`
3.  If you want phone dial-in to work, modify `bbb_dialin_*` in
    bigbluebutton.yml accordingly.
    -   If you have a public IP and FQDN pointing to the Ubuntu 18.04 box
        1.  Change the `bbb_hostname:` value in bigbluebutton.yml to be
            the FQDN of the Ubuntu box.
        2.  On the machine with Ansible, run
        `ansible-playbook -u [ubuntu_box_username] -i [ubuntu_box_fqdn], bigbluebutton.yml`
    -   If you don't have a public IP for the Ubuntu 18.04 box
        1.  Replace the `bbb_letsencrypt_email:` line in
            bigbluebutton.yml with `bbb_letsencrypt_enable: false`
        2.  Change the `bbb_hostname:` value in bigbluebutton.yml to be
        3.  Add a new line in both machines' `/etc/hosts`:
            `[ubuntu_18.04_IP]  ubuntu1804bbb.vm`
        4.  On the machine with Ansible, run
            `ansible-playbook -u [ubuntu_box_username] -i ubuntu1804bbb.vm, bigbluebutton.yml`
4.  If you make any modifications, update the corresponding source code URL in
    `bigbluebutton.yml` to one for a repository containing your modifications.
    -   If you have a public IP and FQDN pointing to the Ubuntu 18.04 box
        visit https://[ubuntu_box_fqdn]/ in your browser, create an account,
	     click Home, then Start to begin
    -   If you don't have a public IP for the Ubuntu 18.04 box
        1.  Run the following commands on the Ubuntu 18.04 box

                openssl genrsa -des3 -out rootCA.key 4096
                openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key rootCA.key -sha256 -days 1024 -out rootCA.crt
                cat <<-EOF > fullchain.ext
                keyUsage = digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment
                subjectAltName = @alt_names

                DNS.1 = ubuntu1804bbb.vm
                openssl x509 -req -in /etc/letsencrypt/live/ubuntu1804bbb.vm/fullchain.pem.csr -CA rootCA.crt -CAkey rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out fullchain.crt -days 300 -sha256 -extfile fullchain.ext
                sudo chown root:root fullchain.crt rootCA.crt
                sudo mv fullchain.crt /etc/letsencrypt/live/ubuntu1804bbb.vm/fullchain.pem
                sudo mv rootCA.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates
                sudo update-ca-certificates
                sudo docker cp /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/rootCA.crt greenlight-v2:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates
                sudo docker exec greenlight-v2 update-ca-certificates

         2.  Visit https://ubuntu1804bbb.vm/ in your browser, create an account, click Home, then Start to begin