Changeset - acaca2074e7e
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Martin Michlmayr (tbm) - 10 years ago 2014-07-01 02:19:49
Typo fixes
3 files changed with 5 insertions and 5 deletions:
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Software Freedom Conservancy Document Retention Policy

1 Purpose

Software Freedom Conservancy (“Conservancy”) has adopted a 
document retention and destruction policy (“Policy”) in order to 
define the record retention responsibilities of Conservancy 
officers, staff, and board members for maintaining and 
documenting the storage and destruction of Conservancy's 
documents and records.

2 General Guidelines

Records should not be kept if they are no longer needed for the 
operation of the business or required by law. Unnecessary records 
should be eliminated from the files. The cost of maintaining 
records is an expense which can grow unreasonably if good 
housekeeping is not performed. A mass of records also makes it 
more difficult to find pertinent records.

From time to time, Conservancy may establish retention or 
destruction policies or schedules for additional categories of 
records in order to ensure legal compliance, and also to 
accomplish other objectives, such as cost management. Conservancy 
has identified several categories of documents that warrant 
special consideration; these categories are listed below. While 
Conservancy has established minimum retention periods for these 
categories, the retention of these documents - and of records not 
included in the identified categories - should be determined 
primarily by the application of the General Guidelines affecting 
document retention in this Section, as well as the exception for 
litigation-relevant records described in the next Section and any 
other pertinent factors.

This Policy does not apply to Member Project committees or community volunteers, and is only applicable to Conservancy directors, offiers, and staff members. 
This Policy does not apply to Member Project committees or community volunteers, and is only applicable to Conservancy directors, officers, and staff members.

3 Document Storage Methods

All Conservancy documents are stored electronically in a 
version-controlled repository on a remote server that is backed 
up to drives on our local premises, with the following 

• Conservancy stores all e-mails on a separate e-mail server

• Conservancy retains hard copies of all contracts executed with 
  parties outside of the United States for at least the full term 
  of each contract

4 Minimum Retention Periods for Conservancy Documents

4.1 Organizational Documents 	

The following records should be retained permanently:

• Conservancy Articles of Incorporation

• Conservancy By-laws

• Conservancy's IRS Form 1023 - which is also to be made 
  available for public inspection upon request

• Board meeting minutes and supporting materials presented at Board meetings

4.2 Tax Records

Tax records should be retained for at least seven years from the 
date of filing the applicable return. These records include:

• IRS Form 990 and related schedules

• Financial audit letter and supporting documents

• Employment tax records

• Documents concerning payroll, expenses, proof of donor 

• Documented accounting procedures

4.3 Financial Records

In general, Conservancy's financial records should be kept for at 
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@@ -58,179 +58,179 @@ Travelers should adhere to the following guidelines to stay In-Policy.
        * Be sure the receipt from your hotel includes the dates of your
          stay, not just a total.

* Receipts.  Keep and submit PDFs of the following, as applicable:
	* Your fare search (i.e., a screen shot)
	* Your plane/rail ticket (e-confirmation of purchase is sufficient)
	* Your hotel/lodging invoice
* Per Diem. 
	* Use your per-diem to cover meals and incidental expenses.
	* Your per-diem is based on GSA guidelines.  Visit to the determine the per-diem for your
	* Try to be frugal - GSM per-diem rates are rather generous. 
	* When attending a conference where food is included, Do The Right
	  Thing and claim a lower per-diem.   

* Reimbursement.
	* To receive reimbursement, send hotel and flight/rail receipt, 
	  along with a list of Per Diem days and totals to 
  Refer to the Expense Report 
          section below for details.  

== Reimbursement Procedure

Note that reimbursements are only processed once per week.  While we usually
can turn around reimbursements in about two weeks' time, please be advised
that Conservancy officially does reimbursements on a NET-30 basis, starting
from the date that complete materials are received.  If this is an issue,
Conservancy is available to prepurchase expensive items like airline tickets
on your behalf, so that you don't need to be reimbursed.

If you seek to be reimbursed for Conservancy Project expenses, please send
the following, in a self contained email (with attachments as necessary),
cc'ing your Project Leadership Committee address (
for Project approval:

  * a brief paragraph explaining what was accomplished for the project
    during your travel and/or with the funds being reimbursed.  This can
    be informal; it's just for our records to confirm the travel advanced
    the not-for-profit mission of both Conservancy and the project.

  * A brief report listing the items to be reimbursed.

  * Full receipt(s) for everything, unless the travel policy does not
    require receipts (e.g., for per diem expenses).

    If your receipts are in a different currency than you're preferred one
    If your receipts are in a different currency than your preferred one
    for reimbursement, include documentation of the rate conversion (e.g., a
    redacted credit card statement in your preferred currency).  Otherwise,
    Conservancy will use the prevailing rate for the date of the expense for

    Please verify that the receipts that you submit are within the attached
    travel policy requirements.  Note, however, that your Project Leadership
    Committee may have set a stricter budget than what the general
    Conservancy policy allows.

  * How you'd liked to be reimbursed. The four payment options, in order of
    Conservancy's preference, are:

    * Paypal.  For this, we need an email address that is valid for the
      Paypal account be paid.  Note that sometimes PayPal fees are
      assessed.  Usually we're taking funds from our PayPal balance, which
      means no fees appear on our side, but they may appear on yours.  It
      might be worth it to check the fee schedule before choosing this

    * Issue you a check in USD from a USA bank, sent to you via post.
      For this option, I just need your postal address.

    * Wire the amount in your local currency to your bank account in your
      country.  For this option, I need as much of the following information
      as it's possible for you to collect.  While some of this information
      isn't always needed, the more I have, the less likely there will be
      problems with your wire.  I note below in parenthesis which fields are
      mandatory, which varies based on where you are in the world.

                  SWIFT and/or BIC Code (mandatory for non-USA wires)
                  ACH or ABA routing number (mandatory for USA wires)
                  Account Number  (absolutely mandatory)
                  Full Name of the Account Holder  (absolutely mandatory)
                  Full Address of Account Holder
                  Bank Name
                  Bank Address
                  Tax ID of account holder (mandatory for Colombia)
                  Phone Number of account holder (mandatory for Colombia)
                  IBAN (if available, *required* for EU countries)
                  BSB Code (mandatory for Australia, not required elsewhere)
                  Preferred Currency (absolutely mandatory)

      Note that if there is an intermediary bank involved in the USA, you
      should provide all this information for both the intermediary bank
      and the final bank.  Note in particular that if the intermediary
      bank is in the USA, an ACH or ABA routing number is absolutely

    * Issue you a check in your local currency, sent to you via post.  For
      this option, I just need your postal address and what currency you

Project Leadership Committees: when you see emails of this nature, please
be sure to have your designated Representative review the materials and
send an approval message to Conservancy.


== Project Leadership Committee Review

Conservancy foresees the need for periodic reasonable exceptions to
this Policy.  Persons working on behalf of a specific Project seeking
an exception to this Policy must petition their PLC to obtain written
approval from Conservancy authorizing the exception.  Persons working
directly on behalf of Conservancy must seeking an exception to the
Policy must obtain written approval from Conservancy authorizing the

PLCs are responsible for creating procedures for requesting exceptions, 
and submitting to Conservancy reimbursement requests associated with
their respective Projects.  PLCs are also responsible for making available
a list of required response times for inquiries, including but not
limited to, the following two cases

* a specific number of days to respond to regular reimbursement requests,

* a specific number of days to respond to pre-authorization requests.

PLCs are also responsible for monitoring the available balance in their
Project Fund, and for granting or refusing approval for travel expense 
requests based on an assesment of the funds available and of any 
requests based on an assessment of the funds available and of any
outstanding contracts payable.  PLCs are not to approve travel expense 
requests when their Project does not have sufficient funds to cover the 
expense.  If a PLC has any questions regarding whether their Project has 
sufficient funds to cover a Traveler's expense request, the PLC should 
contact Conservancy.

== Transportation

=== Overall transportation Cost

Domestic transportation costs greater than US$750 requires Conservancy 
approval prior to booking, even if all other Policy conditions have been 
met.  International transportation costs greater than US$1,650 requires 
Conservancy approval prior to booking, even if all other Policy conditions 
have been met.

=== Advance Purchase

Tickets for travel by air or rail (excluding commuter train and subway) 
should be booked at least 14 days in advance; any travel booked less than 
14 days in advance requires written pre-authorization by Conservancy.  
Tickets for travel by air or rail beyond 365 days in advance also require 
written pre-authorization by Conservancy.

=== Air Travel

==== Class of Service

Coach and/or Economy Airfare is the only acceptable class for all flights
(domestic and international) unless a PLC provides a special exception and
a valid reason (such as a need for business class due to a documented
medical reason) to Conservancy for written approval.  Travelers may select
their airline of choice (e.g., for the purpose of collecting airline miles
and rewards), provided that the resulting air fare otherwise meets the
requirements of this Policy.  Travelers should not book out-of-Policy trips
(and thus pay a higher fare) in order to qualify for a mileage upgrade.

==== Advance Purchase

Air travel should be booked at least 14 days in advance; any travel booked
less than 14 days in advance requires written pre-authorization by
Conservancy.  Flights beyond 365 days in advance also require written
pre-authorization by Conservancy.

==== Low Fare

Conservancy aims to balance cost savings with convenience and considers
flights that are within US$100 of the lowest logical fare to be within
@@ -425,97 +425,97 @@ In-Policy; however, a $225 registration fee for a 2-day conference is not.

Travelers seeking reimbursement for registration fees that exceed $100 per 
day must obtain prior approval from Conservancy's Executive Director.  

=== Internet Access

Internet access/wi-fi fees charged by a hotel are reimbursable, provided
that they are listed on the hotel/lodging invoice submitted for 
reimbursement.  Other internet access fees (e.g., airport internet 
services, personal wi-fi hotspots, internet cafes) are not reimbursable 
except as incidental expenses to be covered by a Traveler's per-diem.  

== Additional Days of Travel

Travelers often seek to add extra days before or after an approved trip
(e.g., the weekend before a conference). A Traveler may seek approval for
the expenses associated with an extended stay prior to booking the trip,
provided that the additional days are solely to enable a Traveler to
conduct work within the PLC's objectives and Conservancy's charitable
mission, or to get a particular airfare that *reduces* the overall cost of
the trip.  Travelers may seek approval to book travel itineraries that
include extra days for personal reasons, so long as the cost of the flight
meets the other requirements of this Policy.  Other expenses incurred
during extra personal days beyond transportation costs are not reimbursable.

== Non-reimbursable Expenses

Non-reimbursable expenses are identified throughout this policy.  The
following items are typically non-reimbursable expenses: 

* Partner, spouse, and/or companion travel

* First class travel (unless medically necessary)

* Upgrades to air travel, car rentals, or hotel rooms

* Purchase of clothing, luggage, toiletries and other miscellaneous
personal items 

* Supplemental travel or car rental insurance

* Fines, penalties, or legal fees

* Personal entertainment or recreational expenses beyond the allotted per

Travelers are permitted to pay for their own upgrades, or use bonus
programs to upgrade Conservancy-reimbursed expenses.  However, Travelers
must ensure that Conservancy does not receive nor reimburses any charges
must ensure that Conservancy does not receive nor reimburse any charges
for any such transaction.

== Satisfaction of IRS Requirements

Reimbursed travel expenses are subject to examination by the USA Internal
Revenue Service (IRS).  Travelers are responsible for retaining documentary
evidence that all expenses are strictly for Project- and/or
Conservancy-related purposes, not personal in nature, and therefore not
includable as taxable income to the Traveler.  Receipts are required for
all expenses, no matter the amount.

== Currency Exchange Rates

Expenses incurred in foreign currencies will be converted to US dollars
based on the exchange rate on the date of incursion.  The currency
exchange rate of record shall be done using[The Bank of Canada 10-year currency converter].

== Approvals

Travelers traveling on behalf of a Project must seek approvals and
submit expense reports to their PLC.  PLCs are to review those expense
reports and pass them along to Conservancy's Executive Director for
final approval and reimbursement. 

Travelers traveling on behalf of Conservancy must seek approvals and
submit expense reports to Conservancy's Executive Director.  Conservancy
staff must seek approvals and submit expense reports to Conservancy's
Treasurer or to another Conservancy Board Member designated by Conservancy's

== Expense Reporting

Travelers seeking reimbursement must submit an expense report to the
appropriate channel with the following information:

* Name of Traveler 

* Brief description of trip and trip's purpose (e.g., ``August 2011
trip to XYZ conference for ABC project, served as planning committee
member''; ``Feb. '12 FOO hackfest in Portland, OR; contributed code'')

* A brief paragraph explaining what was accomplished for the project
during your travel.

* Number of days traveled (with documentary evidence, e.g., conference
itinerary, etc.) and associated per diem

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To book the flight, I'll likely need the following info.  Feel free to send
it to me in an GPG-encrypted email (or plain text, if you don't care ;):

  * Exact itinerary, including specific flights, airports and time, and be
    sure the total is within the travel policy requirements.

  * Passport Information
      - Full Name, as it appears on the Passport
      - Issue Date
      - Expiration date
      - Country of Issue
      - Gender
      - Date of Birth
  * mobile number (For flight change alters, if you want the)
  * mobile number (For flight change alters, if you want them)
  * Frequent flyer numbers for major airlines (if you want the miles credited)
  * Seat Preference (either specific seats, or "Aisle vs. Window" preference)
  * Meal Preference (if a meal is included in the coach flight)
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