Files @ 992c91fc90de
Branch filter:

Location: NPO-Accounting/oxrlib/oxrlib/commands/

Brett Smith
config: Nicer implementation of date parsing.

Keeps less local state through the function, to reduce the risk of that
state getting inconsistent.
import decimal
import itertools
import operator

import babel.numbers

from .. import rate as oxrrate

class Formatter:
    def __init__(self, rate, signed_currencies=(), base_fmt='#,##0.###'):
        self.rate = rate
        self.base_fmt = base_fmt
        self.base_fmt_noprec = base_fmt.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
        self.signed_currencies = set(code for code in signed_currencies
                                     if self.can_sign_currency(code))

    def can_sign_currency(self, code):
        return len(babel.numbers.get_currency_symbol(code)) == 1

    def format_currency(self, amount, code, currency_digits=True):
        if currency_digits:
            fmt = self.base_fmt
            fmt = '{}.{}'.format(self.base_fmt_noprec, '#' * -amount.as_tuple().exponent)
        if code in self.signed_currencies:
            fmt = '¤' + fmt
            fmt = fmt + ' ¤¤'
        return babel.numbers.format_currency(amount, code, fmt, currency_digits=currency_digits)

    def format_rate(self, rate):
        return "{:g}".format(rate)

    def format_rate_pair(self, from_curr, to_curr):
        from_amt = 1
        to_amt = self.rate.convert(from_amt, from_curr, to_curr)
        return "{} {} = {} {}".format(
            self.format_rate(from_amt), from_curr,
            self.format_rate(to_amt), to_curr,

    def format_rate_pair_bidir(self, from_curr, to_curr, sep='\n'):
        return "{}{}{}".format(
            self.format_rate_pair(from_curr, to_curr),
            self.format_rate_pair(to_curr, from_curr),

    def format_conversion(self, from_amt, from_curr, to_curr):
        to_amt = self.rate.convert(from_amt, from_curr, to_curr)
        return "{} = {}".format(
            self.format_currency(from_amt, from_curr),
            self.format_currency(to_amt, to_curr),

class LedgerFormatter(Formatter):
    RATE_PREC = 5

    def normalize_rate(self, rate, prec=None):
        # Return prec nonzero digits of precision, if available.
        if prec is None:
            prec = self.RATE_PREC
        _, digits, exponent = rate.normalize().as_tuple()
        prec -= min(0, exponent + len(digits))
        quant_to = '1.{}'.format('0' * prec)
            qrate = rate.quantize(decimal.Decimal(quant_to))
        except decimal.InvalidOperation:
            # The original rate doesn't have that much precision, so use it raw.
            qrate = rate
        return qrate.normalize()

    def format_rate(self, rate, prec=None):
        return str(self.normalize_rate(rate, prec))

    def format_ledger_rate(self, rate, curr, prec=None):
        nrate = self.normalize_rate(rate, prec)
        rate_s = self.format_currency(nrate, curr, currency_digits=False)
        return "{{={0}}} @ {0}".format(rate_s)

    def format_rate_pair(self, from_curr, to_curr):
        from_amt = 1
        to_amt = self.rate.convert(from_amt, from_curr, to_curr)
        return "{} {} {}".format(
            from_amt, from_curr, self.format_ledger_rate(to_amt, to_curr))

    def format_conversion(self, from_amt, from_curr, to_curr):
        to_rate = self.rate.convert(1, from_curr, to_curr)
        to_amt = self.rate.convert(from_amt, from_curr, to_curr)
        return "{} {}\n{}".format(
            self.format_currency(from_amt, from_curr),
            self.format_ledger_rate(to_rate, to_curr),
            self.format_currency(to_amt, to_curr),

def run(config, stdout, stderr):
    loaders = config.get_loaders()
    with loaders.historical(, config.args.base) as rate_json:
        rate = oxrrate.Rate.from_json_file(rate_json)
    if loaders.should_cache():
    if config.args.ledger:
        formatter = LedgerFormatter(rate, config.args.signed_currencies)
        formatter = Formatter(rate)
    if not config.args.from_currency:
        for from_curr in sorted(rate.rates):
            print(formatter.format_rate_pair_bidir(from_curr, config.args.to_currency),
    elif config.args.amount is None:
        print(formatter.format_rate_pair_bidir(config.args.from_currency, config.args.to_currency),