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Location: NPO-Accounting/npo-accounting-ikiwiki/ExistingProjects/Tryton/Installation.mdwn

Update EvaluationTemplate to have clearer links to each UseCase

The idea is to use the evaluation template to fill out for each project
codebase evaluation we do, but have an easy link back to the use case it
refers to.

As I was making this edit, I added a few FIXMEs to things that need
clarification and/or completion.
## Vagrant setup

1. TBD: Insert Vagrantfile here

## Tryton installation

1. `sudo apt-get update`
2. `sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev python-gtk2 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev`
3. `sudo pip install tryton trytond`

## Testing the client

The Tryton project has a demo server up and running, to connect to the demo server, simply start the tryton client with `tryton` and use the username and password `demo`, the host should be the demo server by default.