Files @ e22e63dcca78
Branch filter:

Location: NPO-Accounting/conservancy_beancount/tests/

Brett Smith
accrual: Make accruals consistent by entity on the accrual side.

It is more common than I realized that we split an invoice by
entity on the accrual side, so this supports that better.

It still disregards inconsistency between accrual entity and payment entity
for reporting purposes, to help keep reporting clean around automatic

The changes to BaseReport._report shook out because at this point, the group
key is effectively arbitrary and shouldn't be used for any reporting
"""Test main plugin"""
# Copyright © 2020  Brett Smith
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import datetime

from decimal import Decimal

import pytest

from . import testutil

import as bc_data

from conservancy_beancount import beancount_types, errors as errormod, plugin

HOOK_REGISTRY = plugin.HookRegistry()

class NonError(errormod.Error):

class TransactionHook:
    DIRECTIVE = beancount_types.Transaction
    HOOK_GROUPS = frozenset()

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config

    def run(self, txn):
        assert False, "something called base class run method"

class ConfigurationError(TransactionHook):
    HOOK_GROUPS = frozenset(['unconfigured'])

    def __init__(self, config):
        raise errormod.ConfigurationError("testing error")

class TransactionError(TransactionHook):
    HOOK_GROUPS = frozenset(['configured'])

    def run(self, txn):
        return [NonError('txn:{}'.format(id(txn)), txn)]

class PostingError(TransactionHook):
    HOOK_GROUPS = frozenset(['configured', 'posting'])

    def run(self, txn):
        return [NonError('post:{}'.format(id(post)), txn)
                for post in txn.postings]

def config_map():
    return {}

def easy_entries():
    return [
            ('Income:Donations', -25),
            ('Assets:Cash', 25),
            ('Expenses:General', 10),
            ('Liabilites:CreditCard', -10),

def map_errors(errors):
    retval = {}
    for error in errors:
        key, _, errid = error.message.partition(':')
        retval.setdefault(key, set()).add(errid)
    return retval

@pytest.mark.parametrize('group_str,expected', [
    (None, [TransactionError, PostingError]),
    ('', [TransactionError, PostingError]),
    ('all', [TransactionError, PostingError]),
    ('Transaction', [TransactionError, PostingError]),
    ('-posting', [TransactionError]),
    ('-configured posting', [PostingError]),
    ('configured -posting', [TransactionError]),
def test_registry_group_by_directive(group_str, expected):
    args = () if group_str is None else (group_str,)
    actual = {hook for _, hook in HOOK_REGISTRY.group_by_directive(*args)}
    assert actual.issuperset(expected)
    if len(expected) == 1:
        assert not (TransactionError in actual and PostingError in actual)

def test_registry_unknown_group_name():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

def test_registry_load_included_hooks():
    registry = plugin.HookRegistry()
    assert not list(registry.group_by_directive())
    actual = {hook.__name__ for key, hook in registry.group_by_directive() if key == 'Transaction'}
    assert len(actual) >= 5
    assert 'MetaProject' in actual
    assert 'MetaRTLinks' in actual

def test_run_with_multiple_hooks(easy_entries, config_map):
    out_entries, errors =, config_map, '', HOOK_REGISTRY)
    assert len(out_entries) == 2
    errmap = map_errors(errors)
    assert len(errmap.get('txn', '')) == 2
    assert len(errmap.get('post', '')) == 4

def test_run_with_one_hook(easy_entries, config_map):
    out_entries, errors =, config_map, 'posting', HOOK_REGISTRY)
    assert len(out_entries) == 2
    errmap = map_errors(errors)
    assert len(errmap.get('txn', '')) == 0
    assert len(errmap.get('post', '')) == 4

def test_run_on_all_directives(config_map):
    meta = {
        'filename': __file__,
        'lineno': 125,
    date =, 3, 1)
    acct = 'Assets:Cash'
    usd = 'USD'
    entries = [
        bc_data.Open(meta, date, acct, [usd], None),
        bc_data.Close(meta, date.replace(year=date.year + 1), acct),
        bc_data.Commodity(meta, date, usd),
        bc_data.Pad(meta, date, acct, 'Income:Other'),
        bc_data.Balance(meta, date, acct, 0, None, None),
        bc_data.Transaction(meta, date, None, None, 'found cash', {}, {}, []),
        bc_data.Note(meta, date, acct, 'test note'),
        bc_data.Event(meta, date, 'test event', 'Test Event 1'),
        bc_data.Query(meta, date, 'test query', ''),
        bc_data.Price(meta, date, 'EUR', (Decimal('1.10508'), usd)),
        bc_data.Document(meta, date, acct, '/TestDocument.txt', None, None),
        bc_data.Custom(meta, date, 'test custom', ['test value']),
    out_entries, errors =, config_map, '-all', HOOK_REGISTRY)
    assert out_entries is entries
    assert not errors