Files @ c712105bed3c
Branch filter:

Location: NPO-Accounting/conservancy_beancount/tests/

Brett Smith
Revise chart of accounts used throughout.

The main impetus of this change is to rename accounts that were outside
Beancount's accepted five root accounts, to move them into that
structure. This includes:

Accrued:*Payable: → Liabilities:Payable:*
Accrued:*Receivable: → Assets:Receivable:*
UneanedIncome:* → Liabilities:UnearnedIncome:*

Note the last change did inspire in a change to our validation rules. We no
longer require income-type on unearned income, because it's no longer
considered income at all. Once it's earned and converted to an Income
account, that has an income-type of course.

This did inspire another rename that was not required, but
provided more consistency with the other account names above:

Assets:Prepaid* → Assets:Prepaid:*

Where applicable, I have generally extended tests to make sure one of each
of the five account types is tested. (This mostly meant adding an Equity
account to the tests.) I also added tests for key parts of the hierarchy,
like Assets:Receivable and Liabilities:Payable, where applicable.

As part of this change, Account.is_real_asset() got renamed to
Account.is_cash_equivalent(), to better self-document its purpose.
"""Test Config class"""
# Copyright © 2020  Brett Smith
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import contextlib
import decimal
import os
import re

import pytest

from . import testutil

from conservancy_beancount import config as config_mod

RT_AUTH_METHODS = frozenset(['basic', 'gssapi', 'rt'])


    'env  password',

    'file  password',

RT_GENERIC_CREDS = config_mod.RTCredentials(
    'generic password',

def rt_environ():
    return dict(zip(RT_ENV_KEYS, RT_ENV_CREDS))

def _update_environ(updates):
    for key, value in updates.items():
        if value is None:
            os.environ.pop(key, None)
            os.environ[key] = str(value)

def update_environ(**kwargs):
    revert = {key: os.environ.get(key) for key in kwargs}

def update_umask(mask):
    old_mask = os.umask(mask)
        yield old_mask

def test_repository_from_environment():
    config = config_mod.Config()
    assert config.repository_path() == testutil.test_path('repository')

def test_no_repository():
    with update_environ(CONSERVANCY_REPOSITORY=None):
        config = config_mod.Config()
        assert config.repository_path() is None

def test_no_rt_credentials():
    with update_environ(HOME=testutil.TESTS_DIR):
        config = config_mod.Config()
        rt_credentials = config.rt_credentials()
    assert rt_credentials.server is None
    assert rt_credentials.user is None
    assert rt_credentials.passwd is None
    assert rt_credentials.auth == 'rt'

def test_rt_credentials_from_file():
    config = config_mod.Config()
    rt_credentials = config.rt_credentials()
    assert rt_credentials == RT_FILE_CREDS

def test_rt_credentials_from_environment(rt_environ):
    with update_environ(**rt_environ):
        config = config_mod.Config()
        rt_credentials = config.rt_credentials()
    assert rt_credentials == RT_ENV_CREDS

@pytest.mark.parametrize('index,drop_key', enumerate(RT_ENV_KEYS))
def test_rt_credentials_from_file_and_environment_mixed(rt_environ, index, drop_key):
    del rt_environ[drop_key]
    with update_environ(**rt_environ):
        config = config_mod.Config()
        rt_credentials = config.rt_credentials()
    expected = list(RT_ENV_CREDS)
    expected[index] = RT_FILE_CREDS[index]
    assert rt_credentials == tuple(expected)

def test_rt_credentials_from_all_sources_mixed(tmp_path):
    server = ''
    with (tmp_path / '.rtrc').open('w') as rtrc_file:
        print('user basemix', 'passwd mixed up', file=rtrc_file, sep='\n')
    with update_environ(HOME=tmp_path, RTSERVER=server, RTUSER='mixedup'):
        config = config_mod.Config()
        rt_credentials = config.rt_credentials()
    assert rt_credentials == (server, 'mixedup', 'mixed up', 'rt')

def check_rt_client_url(credentials, client):
    pattern = '^{}/?$'.format(re.escape(credentials[0].rstrip('/') + '/REST/1.0'))
    assert re.match(pattern, client.url)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('authmethod', RT_AUTH_METHODS)
def test_rt_client(authmethod):
    rt_credentials = RT_GENERIC_CREDS._replace(auth=authmethod)
    config = config_mod.Config()
    rt_client = config.rt_client(rt_credentials, testutil.RTClient)
    check_rt_client_url(RT_GENERIC_CREDS, rt_client)
    assert rt_client.auth_method == ('HTTPBasicAuth' if authmethod == 'basic' else 'login')
    assert rt_client.last_login == (

def test_default_rt_client(rt_environ):
    with update_environ(**rt_environ):
        config = config_mod.Config()
        rt_client = config.rt_client(client=testutil.RTClient)
    check_rt_client_url(RT_ENV_CREDS, rt_client)
    assert rt_client.last_login[:-1] == RT_ENV_CREDS[1:3]
    assert rt_client.last_login[-1]

@pytest.mark.parametrize('authmethod', RT_AUTH_METHODS)
def test_rt_client_login_failure(authmethod):
    rt_credentials = RT_GENERIC_CREDS._replace(
    config = config_mod.Config()
    assert config.rt_client(rt_credentials, testutil.RTClient) is None

def test_no_rt_client_without_server():
    rt_credentials = RT_GENERIC_CREDS._replace(server=None, auth='rt')
    config = config_mod.Config()
    assert config.rt_client(rt_credentials, testutil.RTClient) is None

def test_rt_wrapper():
    config = config_mod.Config()
    rt = config.rt_wrapper(RT_GENERIC_CREDS._replace(auth='rt'), testutil.RTClient)
    assert rt.exists(1)

def test_rt_wrapper_default_creds():
    config = config_mod.Config()
    rt = config.rt_wrapper(None, testutil.RTClient)
    assert rt.rt.url.startswith(RT_FILE_CREDS[0])

def test_rt_wrapper_default_creds_from_environ(rt_environ):
    with update_environ(**rt_environ):
        config = config_mod.Config()
        rt = config.rt_wrapper(None, testutil.RTClient)
    assert rt.rt.url.startswith(RT_ENV_CREDS[0])

def test_rt_wrapper_no_creds():
    with update_environ(HOME=testutil.TESTS_DIR):
        config = config_mod.Config()
        assert config.rt_wrapper(None, testutil.RTClient) is None

def test_rt_wrapper_bad_creds():
    rt_credentials = RT_GENERIC_CREDS._replace(passwd='badpass', auth='rt')
    config = config_mod.Config()
    assert config.rt_wrapper(rt_credentials, testutil.RTClient) is None

def test_rt_wrapper_caches():
    rt_credentials = RT_GENERIC_CREDS._replace(auth='rt')
    config = config_mod.Config()
    rt1 = config.rt_wrapper(rt_credentials, testutil.RTClient)
    rt2 = config.rt_wrapper(rt_credentials, testutil.RTClient)
    assert rt1 is rt2

def test_rt_wrapper_caches_by_creds():
    config = config_mod.Config()
    rt1 = config.rt_wrapper(RT_GENERIC_CREDS._replace(auth='rt'), testutil.RTClient)
    rt2 = config.rt_wrapper(None, testutil.RTClient)
    assert rt1 is not rt2

def test_rt_wrapper_cache_responds_to_external_credential_changes(rt_environ):
    config = config_mod.Config()
    rt1 = config.rt_wrapper(None, testutil.RTClient)
    with update_environ(**rt_environ):
        rt2 = config.rt_wrapper(None, testutil.RTClient)
    assert rt1 is not rt2

def test_rt_wrapper_has_cache(tmp_path):
    with update_environ(XDG_CACHE_DIR=tmp_path), update_umask(0o002):
        config = config_mod.Config()
        rt = config.rt_wrapper(None, testutil.RTClient)
    expected = 'conservancy_beancount/{}@*.sqlite3'.format(RT_FILE_CREDS[1])
    actual = None
    for actual in tmp_path.glob(expected):
        assert not actual.stat().st_mode & 0o177
    assert actual is not None, "did not find any generated cache file"

def test_rt_wrapper_without_cache(tmp_path):
    with update_environ(XDG_CACHE_DIR=tmp_path):
        config = config_mod.Config()
        rt = config.rt_wrapper(None, testutil.RTClient)
    assert not any(tmp_path.iterdir())

def test_cache_mkdir(tmp_path):
    expected = tmp_path / 'TESTcache'
    with update_environ(XDG_CACHE_DIR=tmp_path):
        config = config_mod.Config()
        cache_path = config.cache_dir_path(
    assert cache_path == tmp_path / 'TESTcache'
    assert cache_path.is_dir()

def test_cache_mkdir_parent(tmp_path):
    xdg_cache_dir = tmp_path / 'xdgcache'
    expected = xdg_cache_dir / 'conservancy_beancount'
    with update_environ(XDG_CACHE_DIR=xdg_cache_dir):
        config = config_mod.Config()
        cache_path = config.cache_dir_path(
    assert cache_path == expected
    assert cache_path.is_dir()

def test_cache_mkdir_from_home(tmp_path):
    expected = tmp_path / '.cache' / 'TESTcache'
    with update_environ(HOME=tmp_path, XDG_CACHE_DIR=None):
        config = config_mod.Config()
        cache_path = config.cache_dir_path(
    assert cache_path == expected
    assert cache_path.is_dir()

def test_cache_mkdir_exists_ok(tmp_path):
    expected = tmp_path / 'TESTcache'
    with update_environ(XDG_CACHE_DIR=tmp_path):
        config = config_mod.Config()
        cache_path = config.cache_dir_path(
    assert cache_path == expected

def test_cache_path_conflict(tmp_path):
    extant_path = tmp_path / 'TESTcache'
    with update_environ(XDG_CACHE_DIR=tmp_path):
        config = config_mod.Config()
        cache_path = config.cache_dir_path(
    assert cache_path is None
    assert extant_path.is_file()

def test_cache_path_parent_conflict(tmp_path):
    (tmp_path / '.cache').touch()
    with update_environ(HOME=tmp_path, XDG_CACHE_DIR=None):
        config = config_mod.Config()
        assert config.cache_dir_path('TESTcache') is None

def test_payment_threshold():
    threshold = config_mod.Config().payment_threshold()
    assert threshold == 0
    assert isinstance(threshold, (int, decimal.Decimal))