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Location: NPO-Accounting/conservancy_beancount/tests/

Brett Smith
plugin: Move hook initialization from HookRegistry to run().

Makes more sense here so run can report errors in hook configuration.
"""Test main plugin"""
# Copyright © 2020  Brett Smith
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import pytest

from . import testutil

from conservancy_beancount import beancount_types, plugin

HOOK_REGISTRY = plugin.HookRegistry()

class TransactionHook:
    DIRECTIVE = beancount_types.Transaction
    HOOK_GROUPS = frozenset()

    def run(self, txn):
        assert False, "something called base class run method"

class TransactionError(TransactionHook):
    HOOK_GROUPS = frozenset(['configured'])

    def run(self, txn):
        return ['txn:{}'.format(id(txn))]

class PostingError(TransactionHook):
    HOOK_GROUPS = frozenset(['configured', 'posting'])

    def run(self, txn):
        return ['post:{}'.format(id(post)) for post in txn.postings]

def config_map():
    return {}

def easy_entries():
    return [
            ('Income:Donations', -25),
            ('Assets:Cash', 25),
            ('Expenses:General', 10),
            ('Liabilites:CreditCard', -10),

def map_errors(errors):
    retval = {}
    for errkey in errors:
        key, _, errid = errkey.partition(':')
        retval.setdefault(key, set()).add(errid)
    return retval

@pytest.mark.parametrize('group_str,expected', [
    (None, [TransactionError, PostingError]),
    ('', [TransactionError, PostingError]),
    ('all', [TransactionError, PostingError]),
    ('Transaction', [TransactionError, PostingError]),
    ('-posting', [TransactionError]),
    ('-configured posting', [PostingError]),
    ('configured -posting', [TransactionError]),
def test_registry_group_by_directive(group_str, expected):
    args = () if group_str is None else (group_str,)
    actual = {hook for _, hook in HOOK_REGISTRY.group_by_directive(*args)}
    assert actual.issuperset(expected)
    if len(expected) == 1:
        assert not (TransactionError in actual and PostingError in actual)

def test_registry_unknown_group_name():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

def test_run_with_multiple_hooks(easy_entries, config_map):
    out_entries, errors =, config_map, '', HOOK_REGISTRY)
    assert len(out_entries) == 2
    errmap = map_errors(errors)
    assert len(errmap.get('txn', '')) == 2
    assert len(errmap.get('post', '')) == 4

def test_run_with_one_hook(easy_entries, config_map):
    out_entries, errors =, config_map, 'posting', HOOK_REGISTRY)
    assert len(out_entries) == 2
    errmap = map_errors(errors)
    assert len(errmap.get('txn', '')) == 0
    assert len(errmap.get('post', '')) == 4