Files @ 4bb6177e45bc
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Location: NPO-Accounting/conservancy_beancount/conservancy_beancount/reconcile/

reconcile: Update cleared query.
"""Reconcile an AMEX CSV statement against the books and print differences.

Run like this:

$ python3 -m pip install thefuzz
$ python3 conservancy_beancount/reconcile/ \
  --beancount-file=$HOME/conservancy/beancount/books/2021.beancount \
  --csv-statement=$HOME/conservancy/confidential/2021-09-10_AMEX_activity.csv \

Conservancy currently enter data by hand rather than using Beancount importers.
This tool is still somewhat like an importer in that it needs to extract
transaction details from a third-party statement. Instead of creating
directives, it just checks to see that similar directives are already present.

Problems in scope:
 - errors in the books take hours to find during reconciliation ("you're entering a world of pain")
 - adding statement/reconciliation metadata to books is manual and prone to mistakes
 - Beancount doesn't provide any infrastructure for programmatically updating the books, only appending
 - after updates to the books files, beancount must be restarted to reflect updates
 - updates also invalidate the cache meaning restart takes several minutes
 - paper checks are entered in the books when written, but may not be cashed until months later (reconcile errors)
 - balance checks are manually updated in svn/Financial/Ledger/sanity-check-balances.yaml
 - jumping to an individual transaction in a large ledger isn't trivial - Emacs grep mode is the current best option
 - Pam and other staff don't use Emacs
 - auditors would prefer Bradley didn't perform reconciliation, ideally not Rosanne either
 - transactions are entered manually and reconciled after the fact, but importing from statements may be useful in some cases

Q. How are reconciliation reports created currently? How do you read them?
 - by hand from copying and pasting from the helper tool output

Problem is potentially similar to diff-ing, but in the books, transaction order isn't super significant.

 - AMEX statement doesn't provide bank balance or running total

import argparse
import csv
import datetime
import decimal
import os
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

from beancount import loader
from beancount.query.query import run_query
from thefuzz import fuzz  # type: ignore

# NOTE: Statement doesn't seem to give us a running balance or a final total.

def standardize_amex_record(row: Dict, line: int) -> Dict:
    """Turn an AMEX CSV row into a standard dict format representing a transaction."""
    return {
        'date': datetime.datetime.strptime(row['Date'], '%m/%d/%Y').date(),
        'amount': -1 * decimal.Decimal(row['Amount']),
        'line': line,
        'payee': row['Description'] or '',

def standardize_beancount_record(row) -> Dict:  # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
    """Turn a Beancount query result row into a standard dict representing a transaction."""
    return {
        'amount': row.number_cost_position,
        'payee': row.payee if row.payee else row.narration,
        'filename': row.filename,
        'line': row.posting_line,
        'statement': row.posting_statement,

def standardize_fr_record(row: Dict, line: int) -> Dict:
    return {
        'date': datetime.datetime.strptime(row['Date'], '%m/%d/%Y').date(),
        'amount': decimal.Decimal(row['Amount']),
        'payee': row['Detail'] or row['Description'],
        'line': line,

def format_record(record: Dict) -> str:
    return f"{record['date'].isoformat()}: {record['amount']:12,.2f} {record['payee'][:20]:<20}"

def sort_records(records: List) -> List:
    return sorted(records, key=lambda x: (x['date'], x['amount']))

def records_match(r1: Dict, r2: Dict) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
    """Do these records represent the same transaction?"""
    date_matches_exactly = r1['date'] == r2['date']
    date_matches_loosly = r1['date'] >= r2['date'] - datetime.timedelta(days=3) and r1['date'] <= r2['date'] + datetime.timedelta(days=3)
    amount_matches = r1['amount'] == r2['amount']
    payee_match_quality = fuzz.token_set_ratio(r1['payee'], r2['payee'])
    payee_matches = payee_match_quality > 50
    if date_matches_exactly and amount_matches and payee_matches:
        return True, 'Matched'
    elif date_matches_loosly and amount_matches and payee_matches:
        return True, 'Matched +/- 3 days'
    elif date_matches_exactly and amount_matches:
        return True, f'Matched ignoring payee'
    elif date_matches_loosly and amount_matches:
        return True, f'Matched +/- 3 days, ignoring payee'
        return False, ''

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Reconciliation helper')
parser.add_argument('--beancount-file', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--csv-statement', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--account', required=True, help='eg. Liabilities:CreditCard:AMEX')
# parser.add_argument('--report-group-regex')
parser.add_argument('--show-reconciled-matches', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--statement-total', required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()

statement_total = decimal.Decimal(args.statement_total)

# TODO: Should put in a sanity check to make sure the statement you're feeding
# in matches the account you've provided.
if 'AMEX' in args.account:
    standardize_statement_record = standardize_amex_record
    standardize_statement_record = standardize_fr_record

with open(args.csv_statement) as f:
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    statement_trans = sort_records([standardize_statement_record(row, reader.line_num) for row in reader])

begin_date = statement_trans[0]['date']
end_date = statement_trans[-1]['date']

# Do we traverse and filter the in-memory entries list and filter that, or do we
# use Beancount Query Language (BQL) to get a list of transactions? Currently
# using BQL.
# beancount.query.query_compile.compile() and
# beancount.query.query_execute.filter_entries() look useful in this respect,
# but I'm not clear on how to use compile(). An example would help.
entries, _, options = loader.load_file(args.beancount_file)

cleared_query = f"""SELECT sum(COST(position)) AS aa WHERE account = "{args.account}"
    AND date <= {end_date.isoformat()} AND META('bank-statement') != NULL"""
result_types, result_rows = run_query(

cleared_total = result_rows[0][0]

# String concatenation looks bad, but there's no SQL injection possible here
# because BQL can't write back to the Beancount files. I hope!
query = f"SELECT filename, META('lineno') AS posting_line, META('bank-statement') AS posting_statement, date, number(cost(position)), payee, narration where account = '{args.account}' and date >= {begin_date} and date <= {end_date}"
result_types, result_rows = run_query(

books_trans = sort_records([standardize_beancount_record(row) for row in result_rows])

num_statement_records = len(statement_trans)
num_books_trans = len(books_trans)
statement_index = 0
books_index = 0
matches = []
metadata_to_apply = []

# Run through all the statement transactions to find a matching transaction in
# the books. If found, the books transaction is marked off so that it can only
# be matched once. Some transactions will be matched, some will be on the
# statement but not the books and some on the books but not the statement.
# Doesn't currently find exact matches when there are a bunch of transactions
# for the same amount on the same day. Probably ought to do a first pass through
# the books transactions to find an closely matching payee, then do another pass
# disregarding payee.
for r1 in statement_trans:
    for r2 in books_trans:
        match, note = records_match(r1, r2)
        if match:
            if not r2['statement'] or args.show_reconciled_matches:
                    matches.append([r2['date'], f'{format_record(r1)}  →  {format_record(r2)}  ✓ {note}'])
            if not r2['statement']:
                metadata_to_apply.append((r2['filename'], r2['line'], f'    bank-statement: "{os.path.basename(args.csv_statement)}:{r2["line"]}"\n'))
        matches.append([r1['date'], f'{format_record(r1)}  →  {" ":^45}  ✗ Not in books ({os.path.basename(args.csv_statement)}:{r1["line"]})'])
for r2 in books_trans:
    matches.append([r2['date'], f'{" ":^45}  →  {format_record(r2)}  ✗ Not on statement ({os.path.basename(r2["filename"])}:{r2["line"]})'])

print('-' * 155)
print(f'{"Statement transaction":<38}            {"Books transaction":<44}   Notes')
print('-' * 155)
for _, output in sorted(matches):
print('-' * 155)
print(f'STATEMENT TOTAL: {statement_total}')
print(f'CLEARED TOTAL:   {cleared_total:12,.2f}')
print('-' * 155)

# Write statement metadata back to books
if metadata_to_apply:
    print('Mark matched transactions as reconciled in the books? (y/N) ', end='')
    if input().lower() == 'y':
        files = {}
        # Query results aren't necessarily sequential in a file, so need to sort
        # so that our line number offsets work.
        for filename, line, metadata in sorted(metadata_to_apply):
            if filename not in files:
                with open(filename, 'r') as f:
                    # print(f'Opening {filename}.')
                    files[filename] = [0, f.readlines()]  # Offset and contents
            files[filename][1].insert(line + files[filename][0], metadata)
            files[filename][0] += 1
            # print(f'File {filename} offset {files[filename][0]}')
        for filename in files:
            with open(filename, 'w') as f:
                print(f'Wrote {filename}.')

# Local Variables:
# python-shell-interpreter: "/home/ben/\.virtualenvs/conservancy-beancount-py39/bin/python"
# End: