Files @ 43548a1ac994
Branch filter:

Location: NPO-Accounting/conservancy_beancount/conservancy_beancount/reconcile/

config: Fix mypy error for git.exc.

Error was:

conservancy_beancount/ error: Trying to read deleted variable "exc"

Not entirely sure what's causing this, but since GitPython also imports the
exceptions at the root of the package with "from git.exc import *", we can
import them from there instead, which seems to appease mypy.
"""A prototype AMEX statement reconciler.

Run like this:

$ python3 -m pip install thefuzz
$ python3 conservancy_beancount/reconcile/ --beancount-file=$HOME/conservancy/beancount/books/2021.beancount --amex-csv=$HOME/conservancy/confidential/2021-09-10_AMEX_activity.csv

import argparse
import csv
import datetime
import decimal

from beancount import loader
from beancount.query.query import run_query
from thefuzz import fuzz

# NOTE: Statement doesn't seem to give us a running balance or a final total.

def standardize_amex_record(row):
    return {
        'date': datetime.datetime.strptime(row['Date'], '%m/%d/%Y').date(),
        'amount': -1 * decimal.Decimal(row['Amount']),
        'payee': row['Description'],

def standardize_beancount_record(row):
    return {
        'amount': row.number_cost_position,
        'payee': row.payee if row.payee else row.narration,

def format_record(record):
    return f"{record['date'].isoformat()}: {record['amount']:>8} {record['payee'][:20]:<20}"

def sort_records(records):
    return sorted(records, key=lambda x: (x['date'], x['amount']))

def records_match(r1, r2):
    """Do these records represent the same transaction?"""
    date_matches = r1['date'] >= r2['date'] - datetime.timedelta(days=1) and r1['date'] <= r2['date'] + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    amount_matches = r1['amount'] == r2['amount']
    payee_match_quality = fuzz.token_set_ratio(r1['payee'], r2['payee'])
    payee_matches = payee_match_quality > 50
    if date_matches and amount_matches and payee_matches:
        return True, ''
    elif date_matches and amount_matches:
        return True, f'Low payee match ({payee_match_quality}%)'
        return False, ''

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Reconciliation helper')
parser.add_argument('--beancount-file', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--amex-csv', required=True)
# parser.add_argument('--report-group-regex')
args = parser.parse_args()

with open(args.amex_csv) as f:
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    statement_trans = sort_records([standardize_amex_record(row) for row in reader])

begin_date = statement_trans[0]['date']
end_date = statement_trans[-1]['date']

# Do we traverse and filter the in-memory entries list and filter that, or do we
# use Beancount Query Language to get a list of transactions?
entries, _, options = loader.load_file(args.beancount_file)
result_types, result_rows = run_query(
    f"SELECT filename, lineno, date, number(cost(position)), payee, narration where account = 'Liabilities:CreditCard:AMEX' and date >= {begin_date} and date <= {end_date}",
books_trans = sort_records([standardize_beancount_record(row) for row in result_rows])

num_statement_records = len(statement_trans)
num_books_trans = len(books_trans)
statement_index = 0
books_index = 0
matches = []
for r1 in statement_trans:
    for r2 in books_trans:
        match, note = records_match(r1, r2)
        if match:
            matches.append([r2['date'], f'{format_record(r1)}    -->    {format_record(r2)}  {note.upper()}'])
        matches.append([r1['date'], f'{format_record(r1)}    -->    {" ":^41}  NOT IN BOOKS'])
for r2 in books_trans:
    matches.append([r2['date'], f'{" ":^41}    -->    {format_record(r2)}  NOT ON STATEMENT'])

print(f'{"STATEMENT":<40}            {"BOOKS":<40}   NOTES')
for _, output in sorted(matches):

# Local Variables:
# python-shell-interpreter: "/home/ben/\.virtualenvs/conservancy-beancount-py39/bin/python"
# End: