Changeset - ed0bc469ce5a
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Ben Sturmfels (bsturmfels) - 3 years ago 2022-02-04 08:15:11
reconcile: Add type checking information to new prototype reconcilers.
2 files changed with 17 insertions and 13 deletions:
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@@ -15,52 +15,54 @@ Not implemented:

import argparse
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
import datetime
import io
import tempfile
import textwrap
import typing
from typing import List
import os

from beancount import loader
from beancount.query.query import run_query


def end_of_month(date):
def end_of_month(date: ->
    """Given a date, return the last day of the month."""
    # Using 'day' replaces, rather than adds.
    return date + relativedelta(day=31)


def format_record_for_grep(row, homedir):
def format_record_for_grep(row: typing.List, homedir: str) -> typing.List:
    """Return a line in a grep-style.

    This is so the line can be fed into Emacs grep-mode for quickly jumping to
    the relevant lines in the books.
    file = row[0].replace(homedir, '~')
    return [f'{file}:{row[1]}:'] + row[2:]


def max_column_widths(rows):
def max_column_widths(rows: List) -> List[int]:
    """Return the max width for each column in a table of data."""
    if not rows:
        return []
        maxes = [0] * len(rows[0])
        for row in rows:
            for i, val in enumerate(row):
                length = len(str(val))
                maxes[i] = max(maxes[i], length)
        return maxes


def tabulate(rows, headers=None):
def tabulate(rows: List, headers: List=None) -> str:
    """Format a table of data as a string.

    Implemented here to avoid adding dependency on "tabulate" package.
    output = io.StringIO()
    if headers:
        rows = [headers] + rows
    widths = max_column_widths(rows)
@@ -96,18 +98,19 @@ if args.month or args.period:
    parsed_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(args.month, '%Y-%m').date()
    preDate = end_of_month(parsed_date - relativedelta(months=args.period)).isoformat()
    lastDateInPeriod = end_of_month(parsed_date).isoformat()
    month = args.month
    if not (args.cur_end_date and args.prev_end_date):
        parser.error(' --prev-end-date and --cur-end-date must be used together')
    preDate = args.prev_end_date
    lastDateInPeriod = args.cur_end_date
    month = lastDateInPeriod.strftime('%Y-%m')
    lastDateInPeriod = args.cur_end_date.isoformat()
    month = args.cur_end_date.strftime('%Y-%m')
grep_output_file: typing.IO
if args.grep_output_filename:
    grep_output_file = open(args.grep_output_filename, 'w')
    grep_output_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='bc-reconcile-grep-output_', mode='w', delete=False)
beancount_file = args.beancount_file
account = args.account
cost_function = args.cost_function
statement_match = args.statement_match if args.statement_match else month
@@ -163,17 +166,17 @@ QUERIES = {
# Run Beancount queries.
print(f"START RECONCILIATION FOR {account} ENDING {lastDateInPeriod} (previous end date {preDate})")
entries, _, options = loader.load_file(beancount_file)
for desc, query in QUERIES.items():
    rtypes, rrows = run_query(entries, options, query, numberify=True)
    if not rrows:
        print(f'{desc:<55} {"N/A":>11}')
    elif desc.startswith('04'):
        homedir = os.getenv('HOME')
        homedir = os.getenv('HOME', '')
        print(f'{desc}\n   See {}')
        grep_rows = [format_record_for_grep(row, homedir) for row in rrows]
        print(tabulate(grep_rows), file=grep_output_file)
    elif len(rrows) == 1:
        result = rrows[0][0]
        print(f'{desc:<55} {result:>11,.2f}')
        headers = [c[0].capitalize() for c in rtypes]
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@@ -5,48 +5,49 @@ Run like this:
$ python3 -m pip install thefuzz
$ python3 conservancy_beancount/reconcile/ --beancount-file=$HOME/conservancy/beancount/books/2021.beancount --amex-csv=$HOME/conservancy/confidential/2021-09-10_AMEX_activity.csv

import argparse
import csv
import datetime
import decimal
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

from beancount import loader
from beancount.query.query import run_query
from thefuzz import fuzz
from thefuzz import fuzz  # type: ignore

# NOTE: Statement doesn't seem to give us a running balance or a final total.

def standardize_amex_record(row):
def standardize_amex_record(row: Dict) -> Dict:
    return {
        'date': datetime.datetime.strptime(row['Date'], '%m/%d/%Y').date(),
        'amount': -1 * decimal.Decimal(row['Amount']),
        'payee': row['Description'],


def standardize_beancount_record(row):
def standardize_beancount_record(row) -> Dict:  # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
    return {
        'amount': row.number_cost_position,
        'payee': row.payee if row.payee else row.narration,


def format_record(record):
def format_record(record: Dict) -> str:
    return f"{record['date'].isoformat()}: {record['amount']:>8} {record['payee'][:20]:<20}"


def sort_records(records):
def sort_records(records: List) -> List:
    return sorted(records, key=lambda x: (x['date'], x['amount']))


def records_match(r1, r2):
def records_match(r1: Dict, r2: Dict) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
    """Do these records represent the same transaction?"""
    date_matches = r1['date'] >= r2['date'] - datetime.timedelta(days=1) and r1['date'] <= r2['date'] + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    amount_matches = r1['amount'] == r2['amount']
    payee_match_quality = fuzz.token_set_ratio(r1['payee'], r2['payee'])
    payee_matches = payee_match_quality > 50
    if date_matches and amount_matches and payee_matches:
        return True, ''
    elif date_matches and amount_matches:
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