Files @ cd25fdd2c919
Branch filter:

Location: Copyleft/guide/

Document work-around for 'next' branch rebases.

Upstream in the tutorial repository, the next branch is
sometimes rebased against the master branch. (For example, this occurs
when there have been quick fixes done on 'master' while new drafting
occurs on 'next'.)

This procedure, while convoluted, is the best way I've found to
compensate for this problem. Hosting sites like Gitorious really aren't
designed for rebased branches.

* Document [creating an EPUB](
* Adapt the jQuery UI tooltip hack used for the overlib replacement with
  tex4ht to upstream tex4ht.
* Here's a cute idea: it would be great if from the
  LaTeX sources always went to that place on the HTML version on  I set a few of these up by hand already, but perhaps
  there's a way that tex4ht could dump an list of URL redirects automatically
  when it builds the HTML.