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Location: Copyleft/guide/Case-Study-Ethics/Makefile

Free Software Foundation, Inc
Relevant text from FSF's "Denationalization of Terminology"
as published circa late 2006-07 (around time of GPLv3 Second Discussion Draft)

I (Bradley M. Kuhn) carefully went through FSF's "Denationalization of
Terminology", which appears to have been published on Wednesday 2 August 2006
(a few days after the second GPLv2 discussion draft published on Thursday 27
July 2006), and merged in any relevant text and descriptions that might be of
use in this tutorial.

The raw material used for this commit can be found here:
Specifically, a copy of the LaTeX sources are here:

As I merged in this text, I added FIXME's where it seemed the text was
incomplete or referred to parts of GPLv3 draft text that disappeared in later

Finally, note that this material was originally copyrighted and licensed as

Copyright © 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article are permitted
worldwide, without royalty, in any medium, provided this notice, and the
copyright notice, are preserved.

However, I am hereby relicensing this material to CC-By-SA-4.0, with the
verbal permission from John Sullivan, Executive Director of the FSF, which
was given to me during a conference call on Wednesday 12 February 2014.

FILTER = ./filter-doc.plx
PDFLATEX = pdflatex
LATEX = latex
#BIBTEX = bibtex
BIBTEX = /bin/true
FIG2DEV = fig2dev

all:	case-study-ethics.pdf

.SUFFIXES: .fig .postscript .eps .pdf .pstex_t .pstex

	ps2pdf $< $@

	ps2epsi $< $@

	$(FIG2DEV) -L pdf -p "portrait" -c $< > $@

	$(FIG2DEV) -L pstex_t $< > $@

	$(FIG2DEV) -L pstex $< > $@


case-study-ethics.pdf: case-study-ethics-pdf.tex case-study-ethics-pdf.bbl $(PDF_FIGS)
	$(PDFLATEX) case-study-ethics-pdf
	$(PDFLATEX) case-study-ethics-pdf
	/bin/mv case-study-ethics-pdf.pdf case-study-ethics.pdf

case-study-ethics-pdf.tex: case-study-ethics.tex 
	cat case-study-ethics.tex | $(FILTER) PDF > case-study-ethics-pdf.tex

case-study-ethics-pdf.bbl: case-study-ethics-pdf.tex $(PDF_FIGS)
	$(PDFLATEX) case-study-ethics-pdf
	$(BIBTEX) case-study-ethics-pdf


case-study-ethics-ps.tex: case-study-ethics.tex 
	cat case-study-ethics.tex | $(FILTER) PS > case-study-ethics-ps.tex

case-study-ethics-ps.bbl: case-study-ethics-ps.tex $(PS_FIGS)
	$(LATEX) case-study-ethics-ps
	$(BIBTEX) case-study-ethics-ps

case-study-ethics-ps.dvi: case-study-ethics-ps.tex case-study-ethics-ps.bbl $(PS_FIGS)
	$(LATEX) case-study-ethics-ps
	$(LATEX) case-study-ethics-ps case-study-ethics-ps.dvi
	$(DVIPS) $< -o $@

	/bin/rm -f case-study-ethics-ps.* case-study-ethics-pdf.* case-study-ethics.pdf $(PDF_FIGS) $(PS_FIGS) case-study-ethics.log texput.log