Files @ 1a7de6ba649d
Branch filter:

Location: Copyleft/guide/GPL-Business/Makefile

Richard Fontana
Modify sentence that oversimplifies notion of completeness of software
freedom. In reality the FSF (as chief guardians of what the definition
of free software is) and the larger Free Software community have
tolerated certain kinds of restrictions on software freedom. One
example, called out in my change to this sentence, is that of copyleft
requirements. To arch lax-permissive-license advocates copyleft
requirements may be an undue restriction on software freedom, but the
larger Free Software community considers copyleft (at least within
limits recognized by the FSF) to be a tolerable deviation from maximum
software freedom for a given user. In the case of copyleft, the
justification is that the constraints on that user allow software
freedom to be maximized among the larger set of present and future users.

FILTER = ./filter-doc.plx
PDFLATEX = pdflatex
LATEX = latex
#BIBTEX = bibtex
BIBTEX = /bin/true
FIG2DEV = fig2dev

all:	gpl-business.pdf

.SUFFIXES: .fig .postscript .eps .pdf .pstex_t .pstex

	ps2pdf $< $@

	ps2epsi $< $@

	$(FIG2DEV) -L pdf -p "portrait" -c $< > $@

	$(FIG2DEV) -L pstex_t $< > $@

	$(FIG2DEV) -L pstex $< > $@


gpl-business.pdf: gpl-business-pdf.tex gpl-business-pdf.bbl $(PDF_FIGS)
	$(PDFLATEX) gpl-business-pdf
	$(PDFLATEX) gpl-business-pdf
	/bin/mv gpl-business-pdf.pdf gpl-business.pdf

gpl-business-pdf.tex: gpl-business.tex 
	cat gpl-business.tex | $(FILTER) PDF > gpl-business-pdf.tex

gpl-business-pdf.bbl: gpl-business-pdf.tex $(PDF_FIGS)
	$(PDFLATEX) gpl-business-pdf
	$(BIBTEX) gpl-business-pdf


gpl-business-ps.tex: gpl-business.tex 
	cat gpl-business.tex | $(FILTER) PS > gpl-business-ps.tex

gpl-business-ps.bbl: gpl-business-ps.tex $(PS_FIGS)
	$(LATEX) gpl-business-ps
	$(BIBTEX) gpl-business-ps

gpl-business-ps.dvi: gpl-business-ps.tex gpl-business-ps.bbl $(PS_FIGS)
	$(LATEX) gpl-business-ps
	$(LATEX) gpl-business-ps gpl-business-ps.dvi
	$(DVIPS) $< -o $@

	/bin/rm -f gpl-business-ps.* gpl-business-pdf.* gpl-business.pdf $(PDF_FIGS) $(PS_FIGS) gpl-business.log texput.log