{% extends "podjango/base_podcast.html" %} {% block subtitle %}{{ object.title|striptags }} - The Corresponding Source - {% endblock %} {% block content %}

{% include 'podjango/feed_links.inc.html' %} The Corresponding Source

{% include 'podjango/audio_ogg_button.inc.html' %} {% include 'podjango/audio_mp3_button.inc.html' %} {{ object.title|safe }}

{{ object.pub_date|date:"j F Y" }}




{{ object.summary|safe }}

This show was released on {{ object.pub_date|date:"l j F Y" }}; its running time is {{ object.duration}}.

Show Notes

{{ object.body|safe }}


Send feedback and comments on the oggcast to <oggcast@faif.us>. You can keep in touch on our IRC channel, #faif on irc.freenode.net, and by following @faif on identi.ca.

{% if object.tags.all %}

Tags: {% for tag in object.tags.all %}{{ tag.label }}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}

{% endif %}

Other FaiF oggcasts…

{% endblock %}