Files @ ba50cd0232b9
Branch filter:

Location: website/

SVG bullet list of supporters on sponsors page.

This CSS, which I discovered from extensive research online, should work
to create a bulleted list with the bullets being the heart-shaped
Conservancy logo.

import compileall
import os
#compileall.compile_dir("www", force=1)

def compileDir(arg, directory, names):
    compileall.compile_dir(directory, force=1)

os.path.walk("www", compileDir, "")

os.system("find www -type d -exec chmod gu+rx {} \;")
os.system("find www -type f -exec chmod gu+r {} \;")
os.system("find www -type d -exec chmod o+x {} \;")
os.system("find www/conservancy/static -type d -exec chmod o+rx {} \;")
os.system("find www/conservancy/static  -exec chmod o+r {} \;")
os.system("find www -exec chgrp www-data {} \;")
os.system("find www -exec chmod go-w {} \;")