Files @ 66dbfac066b0
Branch filter:

Location: website/www/conservancy/

Migrate RequestContext users to render() calls.

This was necessary because render_to_response no longer takes a
context_instance. We were always using this to pass in a RequestContext,
which the render shortcut can already do, so switch to that.
from conservancy.apps.fundgoal.models import FundraisingGoal as FundraisingGoal

def fundgoal_lookup(fundraiser_sought):
        return FundraisingGoal.objects.get(fundraiser_code_name=fundraiser_sought)
    except FundraisingGoal.DoesNotExist:
        # we have no object!  do something
        return None

def sitefundraiser(request):
    return {'sitefundgoal': fundgoal_lookup('supporterrun') }