Files @ 52b676e3dc39
Branch filter:

Location: website/www/conservancy/templates/news/pressrelease_archive_year.html

Bradley M. Kuhn
Substantial update of Member Project Application page.

This page had much out of date material, particularly the timeline
and the types of projects we seek, but also the FAQ section did not
include standard information that we're now regularly giving projects
during intake.

This update attempts to address many of those issues.
{% extends "base_news.html" %}

{% block title %}Conservancy News Index - {{ year|date:"Y" }}{% endblock %}

{% block content %}

         <div id="mainContent">
<h2>Conservancy News Index - {{ year|date:"Y" }}</h2>

{% for pressr in object_list %}
  {% include "news/pressrelease_partial.html" with pressr=pressr show="dateline" only %}
{% endfor %}

{% endblock %}