File diff a4df2644900c → c4e1752a06dd
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@@ -236,35 +236,53 @@ organizations of all sizes can make the same commitment.</p>

<p>We were also a sponsor of the
fantastic <a href="">SeaGL</a> event. A community focused
conference that does an incredible job giving opportunities to first-time
speakers (suitable for community members of all walks of life). They hosted
their conference on the Matrix platform, which further proved it's possible
to run a virtual conference with free software.</p>


<h3 id="HelpUs">Help us Continue this Work</h3>

<p>We are beyond thankful for ability to continue our work due to your financial contributions. We recognize that not everyone has the same financial leeway to donate as they have in the past. But please consider giving what you can so that our organization can continue to advocate and support the rights of all software users. We will continue to work as hard as we can with our small staff. And we hope that through our hard work, creativity and passionate dedication, we've demonstrated over the years how Software Freedom Conservancy continues to be the beacon of change for software freedom that the world needs. <a href="">Please consider donating here.</a></p>
<p>We are beyond thankful for the ability to continue our work &mdash; which
  only continues due to <strong>your financial contributions</strong>. We
  recognize that not everyone has the same financial leeway to donate as they
  have in the past. But please consider giving what you can so that our
  organization can continue to advocate and support the rights of all
  software users. We work hard and efficiently, and accomplish so much with
  our small staff. We hope &mdash; through our hard work, creativity, and
  passionate dedication &mdash; that we've demonstrated over the years how
  Software Freedom Conservancy continues to be the beacon of change for
  software freedom that the world needs. <a href="/donate/">Please consider
  donating now!</a></p>


<div style="overflow: auto">
<div class="picture-small right">
  <img src="/img/scaled-LLW-2015-Conservancy-Supporters-by-Carlo-Piana-CC-0.jpg" alt="Zack, Karen, John and Jim pose, mostly wearing the vintage t-shirt!" />
  <p>Vintage-shirt-wearing Sustainers pose with Karen! <br/>From left: Stefano &ldquo;Zack&rdquo; Zacchiroli, Karen M. Sandler, John Sullivan, and Jim Wright</p>

<div data-read-more="A note on t-shirts&hellip;">
<p>We know you are sick of hearing about supply chains, global shortages, and deliveries being delayed. But we must be up front that since we have a small staff we try to batch our t-shirt orders, and given the realities of the pandemic we are somewhat behind on our t-shirt deliveries. We're working on a new t-shirt design for this year and will send everybody their shirts after the end of this fundraiser. We so appreciate everyone's patience! </p>
<p>We're all sick of hearing about supply chains, global shortages, and
  deliveries being delayed. But we must tell you up-front that since we have
  a small staff we try to batch our t-shirt orders, and given the realities
  of the pandemic, we are often a few months behind on t-shirt deliveries.
  Those owed t-shirts from early 2021 renewals should receive them by years'
  end.  Meanwhile, we're working on a new t-shirt design for this year; check
  back here for an announcement later in the fundraising season!  All
  renewals during this fundraising season will receive the new shirt!  We so
  appreciate everyone's patience! </p>

<h3 id="VintageT">Vintage T-Shirt Promotion</h3>
<div data-read-more="Would you like a last chance to receive a vintage Conservancy t-shirt?  Find out how&hellip;">

<p>If you're a Sustainer, you've already received or will soon receive a
  t-shirt in our 2018 design shown here.   But,
would you like to take advantage of a last chance to get our vintage design &mdash; seen sported so often
by <a href="">our earliest Sustainers</a> at <a href="">conferences and events</a>?  If so, read on!</p>

<div class="picture-tiny left">
<img src="/img/brett-in-2018-shirt.jpg" alt="Brett wears the 2018 t-shirt!" />