File diff 41fe2a18205b → f3d4dad3350b
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@@ -226,6 +226,15 @@ following manufacturers: Alva, Baum, Blazie Engineering, EuroBraille,
HandyTech, Hermes, ONCE, Papenmeier, Pulse Data, TechniBraille and

<h2><a href="">Linux XIA</a></h2>

<p>Linux XIA is a new protocol stack for Linux built using eXpress Internet
Architecture (XIA), an interoperable meta network architecture. Linux XIA is
designed to meet unfulfilled demands of real-world networking. The project's
roadmap includes the development of a DDoS protection system, and the
addition of state-of-the-art algorithms and data structures to increase
Linux XIA's speed and flexibility.</p>

<h2><a href="">LuxRender</a></h2>

<p>LuxRender is a physically based and unbiased rendering engine. Based on