File diff 2f94205721ca → 9c4697993e9b
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@@ -126,20 +126,27 @@
  allows your project to hold those funds and spend them on activities
  that simultaneously advance the non-profit mission of the Conservancy
  and the FLOSS development and documentation goals of the project.</p>

<h2>What will the project leaders have to agree to if our project joins?</h2>

<p>Once you're offered membership, we'll send you a draft fiscal
  sponsorship agreement.  These aren't secret documents and many of our
  member projects have even chosen to put theirs online.  However, we wait
  to send a draft of this document until the application process is
  complete, as we often tailor and modify the agreements based on
  individual project needs.  This is painstaking work, and it's better to
  complete that work after both Conservancy and the project are quite sure
  that they both want the project to join Conservancy.</p>
<p>Once you're offered membership, Conservancy will send you a draft
  fiscal sponsorship agreement (FSA).  A template
  of <a href="/members/apply/ConservancyFSATemplate.pdf">Conservancy's FSA
  is available in PDF</a> (and
  in <a href="/members/apply/conservancy-fsa-template.tex">LaTeX</a>).
  Please note that the preceding documents are <strong>only
  templates</strong>.  Please do not try to fill one out and send it to
  Conservancy.  The final FSA between Conservancy and your project needs
  to be negotiated between us, and as can been seen in the template, the
  Representation section needs substantial work.  If your project is
  offered membership, Conservancy will work with you adapt the FSA
  template to suit the needs and specific circumstances of your project.
  This is painstaking work, and it's better to complete that work after
  both Conservancy and the project are quite sure that they both want the
  project to join Conservancy.</p>


<h2>If my project joins the Conservancy, how will it change?</h2>

<p>Substantively, member projects continue to operate in the same way as
they did before joining the Conservancy.  So long as the project remains