File diff 0d89044354de → c92be7d12f47
Show inline comments
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
<p>The software running this website is licensed under
  the <a href="">AGPLv3</a>-or-later.
  You can find a <a href="/source/">full copy of the sources hosted on
  this site</a>, but it may be more interesting to know that the site is
  running on stock Debian squeeze with Apache, Django, mod_python, and
  sqlite installed, and that the main sources for the site's code itself
  is <a href="">hosted on
  this site</a>, but it may be more interesting to know that the site
  is running on stock Debian squeeze with Apache, Django, mod_python,
  and sqlite installed, and that the main sources for the site's code
  itself are <a href="">available in
  a git repository</a>.</p>

<p>The documents on this website are
  licensed as <a href="">CC-By-SA-3.0