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{% extends "base_projects.html" %}
{% block subtitle %}Travel and Reimbursable Expense Policy - {% endblock %}
{% block submenuselection %}Policies{% endblock %}
{% block content %}

<h1 id="software-freedom-conservancy-travel-and-reimbursable-expense-policy">Software Freedom Conservancy Travel and Reimbursable Expense Policy</h1>
<h2 id="december-2023-amendment">Amendment to Travel Policy, 2023-12-10</h2>
<p>The following changes are put in place to modify the existing  policy. We recognize that there are multiple portions of the policy that are out dated and that these changes are necessary to support travelers as they do their good work of contributing to FOSS. The intention of these changes is to grant additional flexibility above and beyond that already written into the policy.</p>
<p>It is permissible to adjust the times in your fare search to only reasonable travel times (i.e. avoiding redeyes where possible,  avoiding very early morning or late at night flights or if you need certain times due to obligations, personal or professional, you cannot move).  If the cheapest flight includes a layover of more than 3 hours more than the other relevant flights, or an overnight layover where one is not necessary, you can simply ignore the cheaper inconvenient flight (and say so in your reimbursement request).</p>
<p>If you want to upgrade your flight at your own expense, you can do so without prior approval. You will not be reimbursed for the additional amount.</p>
<p>If the cheapest fare is a basic economy fare, you may add an additional $200 to flight budget so that you can choose a regular economy fare (please note that basic economy fares have hidden costs like baggage and seat assignment fees that ultimately make those fares more expensive). This would make the flight budget $300 above the cheapest available flight. Alternatively, you may include a luggage fee for your first bag (either carry on or checked) and a fee for advanced seat selection up to the price of that increased flight budget.</p>
<p>You may stay at the official conference hotel or any hotel that is the same price or less. Where there is no conference hotel, you may book a hotel at the GSA or Department of state rate +15%.</p>
<p>SFC reserves the right to reject any reimbursement that is submitted after 90 days (this could become particularly urgent depending on times related to closing our financial books). Where we are able to pay after the 90 days, unless there is some exceptional circumstance, we will reimburse you for less money the longer after the 90 days the request is submitted.</p>
<p>If you are attending an event that is nearby to where you live (accessible by local transportation), you may claim M&IE for any day of attendance at the travel day rate (75% rate).</p>
<p>Please also consider if your destination may be reasonably reached by train, rather than by plane for environmental reasons.</p>
<h2 id="covid-19-travel-policy-amendment-2022-07-25">COVID-19 Travel Policy Amendment, 2022-07-25</h2>
<p>The travel hiatus instituted by Software Freedom Conservancy from 2022-03-27
through 2022-07-25 has been lifted.  In its place is the following amendment
to our policy, effective 14 July 2022:</p>
<p>Software Freedom Conservancy recommends against travel due to the risks to
travelers and others from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic/epidemic.  No
volunteer, contractor or staffer is required by SFC to undertake any travel
whatsoever at this time. Those travelers who have evaluated the risks and
still choose to travel may be reimbursed under our standard policy.  As such,
travelers will personally assume any additional expenses or liability arising
from the travel and their exposure to COVID-19, including extended hotel
stays, medical fees or any other unexpected expenses due to illness.</p>
<p>In addition to the expenses reimbursed in the travel policy, Conservancy will
reimburse any traveler up to four COVID-19 home tests used to assess the
safety of travel or whether the traveler should isolate or increase their mask
usage. Conservancy will also reimburse the purchase of one N95 or KN95 mask
for each day of travel. Conservancy strongly recommends wearing high quality
masks at all times during funded travel that the traveler is indoors in the
same room as other people, and outdoors when in close proximity to other
<p>Canceling travel due to a good faith decision in light of a positive COVID
test or due to a case surge either locally or at the travel destination will
be considered a valid reason for cancellation under the policy (see
Cancellation Fess below).</p>