Changeset - f115eea74c60
[Not reviewed]
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 8 years ago 2016-02-29 23:16:06
Merge public master branch with my local changes.
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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{% extends "base_compliance.html" %}
{% block subtitle %}Copyleft Compliance Projects - {% endblock %}
{% block submenuselection %}CopyleftPrinciples{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
[ <a href="/copyleft-compliance/">한국어 판</a>]<br/>
[ <a href="/copyleft-compliance/">한국어 판 (Korean)</a> ]<br/>

<h1>The Principles of Community-Oriented GPL Enforcement</h1>

<p>The GNU General Public License (GPL) is the principal copyleft
license. Copyleft is a framework that permits ongoing sharing of a
published work, with clear permissions that <em>both</em> grant
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