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Brett Smith (brett) - 7 years ago 2017-06-15 14:02:15
projects: Add Teaching Open Source.
1 file changed with 9 insertions and 1 deletions:
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{% extends "base_projects.html" %}
{% block subtitle %}Current Projects - {% endblock %}
{% block submenuselection %}Current{% endblock %}
{% block content %}

<h1>Current Projects</h1>

<p>Conservancy is currently home to forty-one member projects.</p>
<p>Conservancy is currently home to forty-two member projects.</p>

<h2><a href="">ArgoUML</a></h2>

<p>ArgoUML is the leading open source UML modeling tool and includes
support for all standard UML 1.4 diagrams. It runs on any Java platform
and is available in ten languages. See the feature list for more details.</p>

<h2><a href="">Bongo</a></h2>

<p>The Bongo Project is creating fun and simple mail, calendaring and
contacts software: on top of a standards-based server stack; we're
innovating fresh and interesting web user interfaces for managing
personal communications. Bongo is providing an entirely free software
solution which is less concerned with the corporate mail scenario and
much more focused on how people want to organize their lives.</p>

<h2><a href="">Boost</a></h2>

<p>Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.</p>

<p>Boost emphasizes libraries that work well with the C++ Standard
  Library.  Boost libraries are intended to be widely useful, and usable
  across a broad spectrum of applications.  The Boost license encourages
  both commercial and non-commercial use.</p>
@@ -400,48 +400,56 @@ Sugar Labs umbrella hundreds of software developers and thousands of
educators work together to build, disseminate, and support Sugar.</p>

<h2><a href="">SurveyOS</a></h2>

<p>The Survey Open Source (SurveyOS) Project is a non-profit project of
the Software Freedom Conservancy dedicated to fostering cooperation
between land surveyors and GIS professionals through the development of
open source software and open technology standards. The SurveyOS Project
currently devotes programming efforts and source code to the open source
desktop GIS program known as OpenJUMP. It also dedicates a set of AutoLISP
source code via the GPL that can be used to add surveying and geospatial
functionality to other software.</p>

<h2><a href="">SWIG</a></h2>

<p>SWIG is a software development tool that connects programs written in C
and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages.  SWIG is used
with different types of languages including common scripting languages
such as Perl, PHP, Python, Tcl and Ruby. The list of supported languages
also includes C&#35;, Java, Lua, Octave and R amongst others. SWIG is most
commonly used to create high-level interpreted or compiled programming
environments, user interfaces, and as a tool for testing and prototyping
C/C++ software.</p>

<h2><a href="">Teaching Open Source</a></h2>

<p>Teaching Open Source (TOS) exists to support instructors and FLOSS community
members who desire to support student involvement in FLOSS projects
within academic institutions.  The TOS community is supported by a web
site, mailing list, and planet and welcomes new community members from
both academia and FLOSS projects.</p>

<h2><a href="">Twisted</a></h2>
<p>Twisted is an event-based engine for Internet applications, written in
Python. Twisted supports TCP, SSL and TLS, UDP, Unix sockets, multicast,
and serial ports. It also includes a Web server, an SMTP/POP3 server, a
telnet server, an SSH server, an IRC server, a DNS server, and of course
APIs for creating new protocols. It supports integration with GTK+ 2, Qt,
Tkinter, wxPython, Mac OS X (PyObjC) and Win32 event loops.</p>

<h2><a href="">uCLibc</a></h2>

<p>uClibc (pronounced yew-see-lib-see) is a C library
for developing embedded Linux systems. It is much smaller than the GNU
C Library, but nearly all applications supported by glibc also work
perfectly with uClibc. Porting applications from glibc to uClibc
typically involves just recompiling the source code. uClibc even
supports shared libraries and threading. It currently runs on standard
Linux and MMU-less (also known as uClinux) systems with support for
alpha, ARM, cris, i386, i960, h8300, m68k, mips/mipsel, PowerPC, SH,
SPARC, and v850 processors.</p>

<h2><a href="">Wine</a></h2>

<p>Wine is an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of
X and Unix.  It is a compatibility layer for running Windows
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