Changeset - d09f3b394b0e
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Daniel Takamori (pono) - 16 months ago 2022-11-21 17:13:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/tracy/add-bio'
1 file changed with 10 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -38,6 +38,16 @@ about digital civil rights and protecting the free software ecosystem,
having spoken at conferences such as CopyCamp Toronto, FOSSLC's
Summercamp, and the Open Video Conference.</p>

<h2 id=tracy">Tracy Homer - Operations Manager</h2>
<p>Tracy acts as Operations Manager at Software Freedom Conservancy. 
Bringing her super-skills of organization and love of bureaucracy, 
she helps things run at SFC smoothly behind the scenes.
Tracy also serves on the board of her local hackerspace, an organization
committed to teaching and promoting open technology exclusively. 
She feels that open techonology allows people to express their creativity 
regardless of their financial situation or technical background.
Tracy is currently persuing a degree in GIS from the University of Tennessee.</p>


<h2 id="bkuhn">Bradley M. Kuhn - Policy Fellow and Hacker-in-Residence</h2>

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