Changeset - bb3063601b01
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Mike Linksvayer (mlinksva) - 11 years ago 2013-04-23 17:08:25
add me
1 file changed with 8 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -81,24 +81,32 @@ and software development consultant for Westinghouse, Lucent Technologies,
and numerous small companies.  He also spent one year teaching Advanced
Placement Computer Science (using GNU/Linux and GCC) at Walnut Hills High
School in Cincinnati.  In January 2000, he was hired by the Free Software
Foundation (FSF), and he served as its Executive Director from March 2001
until March 2005, when he left FSF to join the Software Freedom Law Center
(SFLC), where he worked as SFLC's Policy Analyst and Technology Director from
2005 until October 2010, when he joined Conservancy as its Executive
Director.  Kuhn holds a summa cum laude B.S. in Computer Science from
Loyola College in Maryland, and an M.S. in Computer Science from the
University of Cincinnati.  His Master's thesis discussed methods for
dynamic interoperability of Free Software languages.</p>

<h2>Mike Linksvayer</h2>

<p>Mike Linksvayer serves on the boards of AcaWiki and OpenHatch,
and is chair of the Open Definition Advisory Council. From 2003 to
2012 he served as CTO and VP of Creative Commons, where he is now a
Senior Fellow. In 2000 he co-founded Bitzi, an early open content/open
data mass collaboration platform.</p>

<h2>Stormy Peters</h2>

<p>Stormy Peters is Head of Developer Engagement at Mozilla. She is
passionate about open source software and educates companies and
communities on how open source software is changing the software
industry. She is a compelling speaker who engages her audiences during
and after her presentations and frequently speaks on business aspects
of open source software. In addition to Mozilla, Stormy is an advisor
for HFOSS, IntraHealth Open and Open Source for America, as well as
founder and president of Kids on Computers, a nonprofit organization
setting up computer labs in developing countries. Stormy joined
Mozilla from the GNOME Foundation where she served as executive
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