Changeset - b331d52331d2
[Not reviewed]
0 2 0
Brett Smith (brett) - 7 years ago 2016-11-17 15:40:22
frontpage: Reorganize.

* Put news and blogs up front.
* Use 30 days as the cutoff for everything, consistently.
* Allow columns to collapse. Hopefully this is the start of a nicer
view on mobile.
* Reduce shading.
2 files changed with 55 insertions and 77 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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@@ -251,34 +251,32 @@ h3 { margin-top: .6em; margin-bottom: .4em; }
#navbar li ul li { float: none; }
#navbar li ul li a { border: 0px; margin: 0px; }

.shaded { background: #F0FFB8; padding: .1em .5em; margin-bottom: .5em; }

.columns {
    width: 100%;
    overflow: hidden;

.column-small {
    width: 31%;
.column-large {
    margin-left: 35%;
    margin-right: 50px;

.column-left { float: left; }
.column-right { float: right; }

.column h2 { font-size: 1.25em; }
.column h3 { font-size: 1.1em; }
.column hr { width: 50%; align: center; }

.column h2 a { text-decoration: none; color: #000000; }
.column h2 a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }

@media all and (min-width: 60em) {
    .column {
        float: left;
    .column:nth-child(odd) {
        clear: both;
        width: 47%;
        margin-right: 3em;

#conservancyfooter {
  margin-top: 1em;
  border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
  text-align: center;
  clear: both;
Show inline comments
@@ -21,125 +21,105 @@
  general public — while Conservancy takes care of the projects' needs that
  do not relate directly to software development and documentation.</p>

<div class="columns">

<div class="column column-small column-left">
<h2>Learn More about Conservancy</h2>
<span class="continued"><a href="/about/">An Overview of Conservancy&hellip;</a></span>
<span class="continued"><a href="/members/current/">Conservancy's current member projects&hellip;</a></span>
<span class="continued"><a href="/members/services/">Services Conservancy provides to its member projects&hellip;</a></span>
<span class="continued"><a href="/copyleft-compliance/">Conservancy's unique work  defending and upholding  copyleft licenses (e.g., the GPL) &hellip;</a></span>
<span class="continued"><a href="/npoacct/">Conservancy's Non-Profit Accounting Project &hellip;</a></span>
<h2>Support Conservancy</h2>
<p>As a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity, Conservancy relies on
  charitable donations for its operations.
  Please join {{supporters_count|safe}} others and <a href="/supporter/"><strong>become a Conservancy Supporter
  today</strong></a> and/or <a href="/donate/">donate generously</a> to help our work!
<h2>Follow Conservancy News &amp; Blogs</h2>

<p>There is a <a href="/feeds/omnibus/">full site feed available</a> (as
  well as separate feeds for the <a href="/feeds/news/">news items</a> and
  <a href="/feeds/blog/">blog posts</a>).  You can follow Conservancy
 on <a href=""></a>, 
  <a href="">Twitter</a>, <a href="">Youtube</a>, <a href="">Google+</a>,
      and other social networks, too.  Look
      for us everywhere and follow/like us!</p>

<p>You can also subscribe to <a href="">Conservancy's low-traffic news list</a>.</p>

<div class="column column-large">
{% if press_releases.0 %}
{% if press_releases.0.pub_date|date_within_past_days:60 %}
<div class="shaded">
<div class="column">
<h2><a href="/feeds/news/" class="feedlink"><img src="/img/feed-icon-14x14.png" alt="[RSS]"/></a> <a href="/news/">Recent News</a></h2>
<p class="date">{{ press_releases.0.pub_date|date:"F j, Y" }}</p>
<h3><a href="{{ press_releases.0.get_absolute_url }}">{{ press_releases.0.headline|safe }}</a></h3>
{{ press_releases.0.summary|safe }}
{% if press_releases.0.body %}<p><span class="continued"><a href="{{ press_releases.0.get_absolute_url }}">Read More...</a></span></p>{% endif %}
{% if press_releases.1 %}
{% if press_releases.1.pub_date|date_within_past_days:30 %}
{% if press_releases.1 and press_releases.1.pub_date|date_within_past_days:30 %}
<p class="date">{{ press_releases.1.pub_date|date:"F j, Y" }}</p>
<h3><a href="{{ press_releases.1.get_absolute_url }}">{{ press_releases.1.headline|safe }}</a></h3>
{{ press_releases.1.summary|safe }}
{% if press_releases.1.body %}<p><span class="continued"><a href="{{ press_releases.1.get_absolute_url }}">Read More...</a></span></p>{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if press_releases.2 %}
{% if press_releases.2.pub_date|date_within_past_days:25 %}
{% if press_releases.2 and press_releases.2.pub_date|date_within_past_days:30 %}
<p class="date">{{ press_releases.2.pub_date|date:"F j, Y" }}</p>
<h3><a href="{{ press_releases.2.get_absolute_url }}">{{ press_releases.2.headline|safe }}</a></h3>
{{ press_releases.2.summary|safe }}
{% if press_releases.2.body %}<p><span class="continued"><a href="{{ press_releases.2.get_absolute_url }}">Read More...</a></span></p>{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<p><span class="continued"><a href="/news/">Conservancy News Archive&hellip;</a></span></p>
{% if blog.0.is_recent %}
<div class="shaded">

<div class="column">
<h2><a href="/feeds/blog/" class="feedlink"><img src="/img/feed-icon-14x14.png" alt="[RSS]"/></a> <a href="/blog/">Conservancy Blog</a></h2>
<h3><a href="{{ blog.0.get_absolute_url }}">{{ blog.0.headline|safe }}</a></h3>
<p class="date">Posted by {{ }} on {{ blog.0.pub_date|date:"F j, Y" }}</p>
{{ blog.0.summary|safe }}
<p><span class="continued"><a href="{{ blog.0.get_absolute_url }}">Read More from {{ }} on this&hellip;</a></span></p>
{% if blog.1.is_recent %}

{% if blog.1 and blog.1.pub_date|date_within_past_days:30 %}
<h3><a href="{{ blog.1.get_absolute_url }}">{{ blog.1.headline|safe }}</a></h3>
<p class="date">Posted by {{ }} on {{ blog.1.pub_date|date:"F j, Y" }}</p>
{{ blog.1.summary|safe }}
<p><span class="continued"><a href="{{ blog.1.get_absolute_url }}">Read More from {{ }} on this&hellip;</a></span></p>
{% endif %}
{% if blog.2.is_recent %}
{% if blog.2.pub_date|date_within_past_days:20 %}

{% if blog.2 and blog.2.pub_date|date_within_past_days:30 %}
<h3><a href="{{ blog.2.get_absolute_url }}">{{ blog.2.headline|safe }}</a></h3>
<p class="date">Posted by {{ }} on {{ blog.2.pub_date|date:"F j, Y" }}</p>
{{ blog.2.summary|safe }}
<p><span class="continued"><a href="{{ blog.2.get_absolute_url }}">Read More from {{ }} on this&hellip;</a></span></p>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% if blog.3.is_recent %}
{% if blog.3.pub_date|date_within_past_days:15 %}
{% if blog.3 and blog.3.pub_date|date_within_past_days:30 %}
<h3><a href="{{ blog.3.get_absolute_url }}">{{ blog.3.headline|safe }}</a></h3>
<p class="date">Posted by {{ }} on {{ blog.3.pub_date|date:"F j, Y" }}</p>
{{ blog.3.summary|safe }}
<p><span class="continued"><a href="{{ blog.3.get_absolute_url }}">Read More from {{ }} on this&hellip;</a></span></p>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% if blog.4.is_recent %}
{% if blog.4.pub_date|date_within_past_days:10 %}
{% if blog.4 and blog.4.pub_date|date_within_past_days:30 %}
<h3><a href="{{ blog.4.get_absolute_url }}">{{ blog.4.headline|safe }}</a></h3>
<p class="date">Posted by {{ }} on {{ blog.4.pub_date|date:"F j, Y" }}</p>
{{ blog.4.summary|safe }}
<p><span class="continued"><a href="{{ blog.4.get_absolute_url }}">Read More from {{ }} on this&hellip;</a></span></p>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% if blog.5.is_recent %}
{% if blog.5.pub_date|date_within_past_days:7 %}
<h3><a href="{{ blog.5.get_absolute_url }}">{{ blog.5.headline|safe }}</a></h3>
<p class="date">Posted by {{ }} on {{ blog.5.pub_date|date:"F j, Y" }}</p>
{{ blog.5.summary|safe }}
<p><span class="continued"><a href="{{ blog.5.get_absolute_url }}">Read More from {{ }} on this&hellip;</a></span></p>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<p><span class="continued"><a href="/blog/">Conservancy Blog Archive&hellip;</a></span></p>

<div class="column">
<h2>Support Conservancy</h2>
<p>As a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity, Conservancy relies on
  charitable donations for its operations.
  Please join {{supporters_count|safe}} others and <a href="/supporter/"><strong>become a Conservancy Supporter
  today</strong></a> and/or <a href="/donate/">donate generously</a> to help our work!
{% endif %}
<p><span class="continued"><a href="/blog/">Conservancy Blog Archive&hellip;</a></span></p>

<div class="column">
<h2>Follow Conservancy News &amp; Blogs</h2>

<p>There is a <a href="/feeds/omnibus/">full site feed available</a> (as
  well as separate feeds for the <a href="/feeds/news/">news items</a> and
  <a href="/feeds/blog/">blog posts</a>).  You can follow Conservancy
 on <a href=""></a>,
  <a href="">Twitter</a>, <a href="">Youtube</a>, <a href="">Google+</a>,
      and other social networks, too.  Look
      for us everywhere and follow/like us!</p>

<p>You can also subscribe to <a href="">Conservancy's low-traffic news list</a>.</p>

<h2>Learn More about Conservancy</h2>
<span class="continued"><a href="/about/">An Overview of Conservancy&hellip;</a></span>
<span class="continued"><a href="/members/current/">Conservancy's current member projects&hellip;</a></span>
<span class="continued"><a href="/members/services/">Services Conservancy provides to its member projects&hellip;</a></span>
<span class="continued"><a href="/copyleft-compliance/">Conservancy's unique work  defending and upholding  copyleft licenses (e.g., the GPL) &hellip;</a></span>
<span class="continued"><a href="/npoacct/">Conservancy's Non-Profit Accounting Project &hellip;</a></span>

{% endblock %}
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)