Changeset - 9c4c3ee12def
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Brett Smith (brett) - 6 years ago 2018-05-10 13:37:36
about: Lots of people blog, not just Bradley. ;)
1 file changed with 2 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -51,24 +51,24 @@ software development and documentation.</p>
  its <a href="/about/board">directors</a>, <a href="/about/officers">officers</a>,
  and <a href="/about/staff">staff</a> believe strongly in the principles
  of software freedom, and believe that all users should have the right to
  study, improve and share their software.  Conservancy helps protect,
  enable, coordinate, facilitate and defend the public's right to copy,
  share, modify and redistribute FLOSS both non-commercially and
  commercially.  Finally, like most organizations devoted to FLOSS,
  Conservancy opposes the notion of patents that cover software, and urges
  contributors to its member projects not to apply for patents.</p>

<p>Conservancy strives to be as transparent as possible, and makes
  its <a href="/about/filings/">public filings available on its website</a>.
  Bradley M. Kuhn, Conservancy's President, <a href="/blog/">blogs
  regularly</a> about Conservancy's activities.
  Our staff <a href="/blog/">blog
  regularly</a> about our activities.
  Finally, <a href="/members/">detailed information about the work that
  Conservancy does for its member projects</a> is also available.</p>

<p>If you have general questions about Conservancy and its
  work, <a href="/about/contact/">contact information</a> is available.
  Conservancy is primarily supported by <a href="/donate">your charitable


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