Changeset - 9a3e2f12da38
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 13 years ago 2011-06-16 13:18:24
Added Evergreen to list of member projects.
1 file changed with 12 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -79,2 +79,14 @@ licensed under the GNU GPL.</p>

<h2><a href="">Evergreen</a></h2>

<p>The Evergreen Project develops an open source ILS (integrated library
system) used by hundreds of libraries across the world. The software, also
called Evergreen, is used by libraries to provide their public catalog
interface as well as to manage back-of-house operations such as
circulation (checkouts and checkins), acquisition and cataloging of
library materials, and sharing resources among groups of libraries and
consortia on the same Evergreen system.  Evergreen is designed to be
scalable and supports library operations ranging from a small high school
to large state-wide consortia.  Evergreen is released under
the <a href="">GPLv2</a>-or-later.</p>

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