Changeset - 90749c7d71f5
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Bradley M. Kuhn - 3 years ago 2021-03-24 01:54:52
Tweak front page time delays and listings a bit.
1 file changed with 2 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -17,38 +17,38 @@
  helps promote, improve, develop, and defend Free, Libre, and Open Source
  Software (FLOSS) projects.  Conservancy provides a non-profit home and
  infrastructure for FLOSS projects.  This allows FLOSS developers to
  focus on what they do best — writing and improving FLOSS for the
  general public — while Conservancy takes care of the projects' needs that
  do not relate directly to software development and documentation.</p>

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<h2><a href="/feeds/news/" class="feedlink"><img src="/img/feed-icon-14x14.png" alt="[RSS]"/></a> <a href="/news/">Recent News</a></h2>
{% for pressr in press_releases|slice:":5" %}
{% for pressr in press_releases|slice:":1" %}
  {% if forloop.first or pressr.pub_date|date_within_past_days:90 %}
    {% if not forloop.first %}<hr class="clear">{% endif %}
    {% include "news/pressrelease_partial.html" with pressr=pressr show="summary" only %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

<p><span class="continued"><a href="/news/">Conservancy News Archive&hellip;</a></span></p>

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<h2><a href="/feeds/blog/" class="feedlink"><img src="/img/feed-icon-14x14.png" alt="[RSS]"/></a> <a href="/blog/">Conservancy Blog</a></h2>
{% for entry in blog|slice:":5" %}
  {% if forloop.first or entry.pub_date|date_within_past_days:45 %}
  {% if forloop.first or entry.pub_date|date_within_past_days:90 %}
    {% if not forloop.first %}<hr class="clear">{% endif %}
    {% include "blog/entry_partial.html" with entry=entry show="summary" only %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

<p><span class="continued"><a href="/blog/">Conservancy Blog Archive&hellip;</a></span></p>

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<h2>Follow Conservancy</h2>

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