Changeset - 9050ddc7d6a8
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 12 years ago 2012-09-03 20:41:20
Update on 10% donation requirement for Conservancy membership.
1 file changed with 19 insertions and 10 deletions:
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@@ -203,24 +203,33 @@ form their own independent tax-exempt non-profit.</p>
  leadership structure that evolved in your project into the formal
  agreement with Conservancy.  As part of the agreement drafting, we work
  carefully with you to understand your project's governance and write up
  formally with you the decision-making process you use. Most project
  contributors find this process of formalizing the leadership structure
  helps them clarify in their own minds the governance of their project,
  even though the process can be difficult.  Since it can be a complicated
  process, we suggest that you prepare your project community for this
  discussion once your project is accepted.</p>

<h2>How much does it cost us financially to join Conservancy?</h2>

<p>After your application is approved, as part of the negotiation of the
  formal agreement, we'll discuss this issue.  Typically, we ask that
  member projects voluntarily choose to donate some percentage of their
  donations received to support Conservancy's general operations servicing
  all its member projects (including yours).  We do understand that,
  particularly for small projects that only receive a few small donations,
  that donating a percentage of your income back to Conservancy can be a
  high burden.  Therefore, this is not a mandatory requirement.  We thus
  suggest that you be prepared to discuss this issue with us in detail
  after your application is approved.</p>
<p>New Conservancy members are required to pay 10% of their revenue that
  Conservancy processes to Conservancy's general fund, which primarily is
  used to pay staff.  (Details on how Conservancy spends its funds,
  including salaries of key employees, can be found
  in <a href="">Conservancy's
  annual filings</a>.)</p>

<p>Historically, Conservancy allowed projects to give less or nothing at
  all to the general fund, but we unfortunately discovered that without
  this requirement, Conservancy was not able to offer the myriad of
  services to all its projects, particularly to larger projects that
  have more income and therefore need more attention from staff.</p>

<p>We do understand that, particularly for small projects that only
  receive a few small donations, that donating a percentage of your income
  back to Conservancy can be a high burden.  Therefore, Conservancy
  remains open to discussion on a case-by-case basis for smaller projects
  about how to handle this requirement, and applicants should feel free to
  raise any concerns about this issue during the application process.</p>

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