Changeset - 8777ac23835a
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 7 years ago 2016-11-04 01:06:09
Add links to template agreements.

But encourage people not to sign them.
1 file changed with 11 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -50,25 +50,35 @@ Compliance Project for Linux Developers</cite>, which handles compliance and
enforcement activities on behalf of more than a dozen Linux copyright
<p>The GPL Compliance Project for Linux Developers is comprised of copyright
holders in the kernel, Linux, who have contributed to Linux under its
license, <a href="">the
GPLv2</a>. These copyright holders have formally asked Conservancy to engage
in compliance efforts for their copyrights in the Linux kernel.  In addition,
some developers have directly assigned their copyrights on Linux to Conservancy,
so Conservancy also enforces the GPL on Linux via its own copyrights in Linux.</p>

<p>Linux copyright holders who wish to assign copyright to or sign an enforcement agreement with
Conservancy should contact <a href="">&lt;;</a>.</p>
Conservancy should
  contact <a href="">&lt;;</a>.
  In 2016,
  Conservancy <a href="/news/2016/nov/03/linux-compliance-agreements/">made
    public the template agreements used as part of this project</a>; both the
  <a href="/docs/blank_linux-enforcement-agreement.pdf">non-anonymous</a> and
  <a href="/docs/blank_anonymous-linux-enforcement-agreement.pdf">anonymous</a>
  versions are available.  However, please <strong>do not</strong> sign these
  unilaterally without contacting and discussing
  with <a href="">&lt;;</a>


<h2>The Debian Copyright Aggregation Project</h2>

<p>In August 2015, <a href="/news/2015/aug/17/debian/">Conservancy announced the Debian Copyright Aggregation
Project</a>.  This project allows Debian contributors to assign copyrights to
Conservancy, or sign enforcement agreements allowing Conservancy to enforce
Free and Open Source (FOSS) licenses on their behalf.  Many Debian contributors
have chosen each of these options already, and more continue to join.</p>

<p>Debian contributors who wish to assign copyright to or sign an enforcement agreement with
Conservancy should contact <a href="">&lt;;</a>.</p>
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