Changeset - 82c58e375874
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Martin Michlmayr (tbm) - 9 years ago 2014-11-11 23:00:29
HTML tag "acronym" has been replaced by "abbr" in HTML5
1 file changed with 2 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -350,8 +350,8 @@ Interest; all encourage you to <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">donate a

<p>Indeed, Conservancy reached out into the broader fiscal sponsorship
  community beyond the <acronym title="Free, Libre and Open Source Software">FLOSS</acronym>
  <acronym title="Non-profit Organization">NPO</acronym> community and discovered that many larger fiscal sponsors &mdash; even
  community beyond the <abbr title="Free, Libre and Open Source Software">FLOSS</abbr>
  <abbr title="Non-profit Organization">NPO</abbr> community and discovered that many larger fiscal sponsors &mdash; even
  those willing to use proprietary components &mdash; have cobbled together
  their own unique systems, idiosyncratically tailored to their specific
  environments.  Thus, good, well-designed, and reusable accounting software
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