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Bradley M. Kuhn - 2 years ago 2021-10-21 14:21:28
Copyleft Compliance — Vizio — update title to match newswire version
2 files changed with 3 insertions and 4 deletions:
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{% extends "base_compliance.html" %}
{% block subtitle %}Copyleft Compliance Projects - {% endblock %}
{% block submenuselection %}Vizio{% endblock %}
{% block content %}

<h1>Software Freedom Conservancy files lawsuit against California TV manufacturer Vizio Inc. for GPL violations</h1>
<h1>Software Freedom Conservancy files right-to-repair lawsuit against California TV manufacturer Vizio Inc. for alleged GPL violations</h1>
<h2>Litigation is historic in nature due to its focus on consumer rights, filing as third-party beneficiary</h2>

<p><strong>FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE</strong></p>

<p>IRVINE, Calif. (Oct. 19, 2021) Software Freedom Conservancy announced today
it has filed a lawsuit against Vizio Inc. for what it calls repeated failures
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@@ -35,15 +35,14 @@ repair, improve and reinstall software. We promote and defend these rights
through fostering free and open source software (FOSS) projects, driving
initiatives that actively make technology more inclusive, and advancing policy
strategies that defend FOSS (such as copyleft). <a href="/about" class="orange">Learn more.</a></p>
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    <h2 class="f4 ttu">Vizio Lawsuit</h2>
    <p>Software Freedom Conservancy files lawsuit against California TV
    manufacturer Vizio Inc. for GPL violations</p>
    <a href="/copyleft-compliance/vizio.html" class="f5 dib pa2 ttu b btn-orange">More information&hellip;</a>
    <p>Software Freedom Conservancy files right-to-repair lawsuit against California TV manufacturer Vizio Inc. for alleged GPL violations</p>
    <a href="/copyleft-compliance/vizio.html" class="f5 dib pa2 ttu b btn-orange">More information</a>

<div class="mt3 mh2-ns flex-ns">
  <div class="w-70-ns mh2">
  <!-- <section class="mh0 pa3 bg-light-blue ba b--gray"> -->
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